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Thread: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

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    Senior Member Array title="steelreserve has a reputation beyond repute"> steelreserve's Avatar

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    Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Within 1 week:

    - Nationwide lockdown and mask mandate by executive order. Big ceremonies to get our Almighty Lord COVID front-and-center.

    - Citizenship for illegal aliens by illegal executive order. It will say it takes eight years so that liberals can say "See, it's no big deal, conspiracy theorist," but it will actually be a lot less than that, or they will change it as soon as they can ram through a new bill. Pretext for long-term manipulation of election results is solidified.

    - Rejoin every climate agreement in existence and have a big celebration. Smug condescension toward Trump and the "science deniers." Real effect, as before, is to incentivize the outsourcing of manufacturing to the highest-polluting third-world countries that are "exempt" from the agreements.

    Within 6 months:

    - Nationwide mail-in voting with ballot harvesting is enacted. Election tampering is normalized; they will all have big instantaneous jumps in the middle of the night from here on out, always for the D candidate, and that is normal. Permanent one-party rule begins in earnest. High likelihood that this is buried in a "COVID relief bill" that bails out blue states for previous spending sprees and insolvent pension plans.

    - State of the Union address is canceled "due to COVID." Biden stumbles through a videotaped 15-minute speech that draws 40k viewers. He is widely praised in the media.

    - China trade sanctions removed, the economy gets another 4 years to entangle itself with cheap junk made by slave labor.

    - Economic recovery stops and is blamed on Trump. "This is the new normal. Things are bad, they're always going to be bad, the past 4 years were false optimism, only the government cares about you."

    Within 2 years:

    - Big Tech sanctions all die in subcommittees. Instead, "recognizing the seriousness of misinformation and the threat to free speech posed by the proliferation of violent conspiracy theories," the Department of Information is formed, to put the official government seal of approval on certain facts. The pressure is off of Big Tech, as now rather than suppressing dissenting opinions, they will claim to be positively promoting "credible content vetted by recognized subject-matter authorities." The Ministry of Truth is born, and liberals cheer.

    - As COVID finally dwindles to the point where they can't even pretend anymore, expect to hear a lot about "violence" and "far-right white nationalists." Climate change is the new justification for emergency overreach. A "climate lockdown" will be tried in California, based on the fact that some European country proposed it and we have to lead the way. As usual, the courts ignore it until well after the fact and the damage has been done.

    - Socialized medicine is rammed through at a cost of trillions, locking in the same high prices but forcing everyone to pay for it by law. "Don't worry, it'll be paid for by taxes on the rich and corporations, lol."

    - Escalating threats with North Korea. A new military conflict breaks out somewhere, just in time to take people's minds off of the shitty Democrat economy and creep toward authoritarian socialism. The reason will be horrible and everyone can see it. "What's the matter, now conservatives don't support our troops? Conservatives hate America!"

    - Optional: The 2022 State of the Union address is canceled due to "threats of violence," the precedent having been set in the fake inauguration. This would be to keep up the illusion that Biden is fit for office so that he can stay in hiding for another year and resign in late January 2023 before the next scheduled speech. What do you mean it's suspicious, conspiracy theorist, this is all totally normal and on the level. By sheer coincidence, this gives Harris 49% of a term and the option of installing her twice more, on the pretext that of course she won in a landslide, you bigot, she's inspired women everywhere with the knowledge that you can achieve anything if you suck the right dicks.

    2 years and beyond:

    - Democrats sweep into a solid majority in both houses of Congress in the rigged 2022 election. "What's wrong, we told you Texas was turning blue, conspiracy theorist."

    - Unpopular lockdown governors are given plum jobs in the administration, for new positions like Green Energy Czar or made-up health advisor jobs, as incentive not to run.

    - Now with a comfortable majority in Congress, they swear in "woke" judges to expand the Supreme Court to 11 or 13 members.

    - Stretch goal: Texas has finally had enough and actually goes through with secession, possibly joined by a few Southern states. Either they are allowed to leave, precipitating the breakup of the country (unlikely), or there is a crackdown like you have never seen; any even remotely non-liberal idea is "insurrection" or "domestic terrorism." We have won victory over ourselves. We love Big Brother.

    Ignoring the predictable schoolyard-level insults that will be incoming when the liberal circle jerk friends arrive ... kind of alarming that maybe only half of these sound that far-fetched, isn't it?
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  2. #2
    Senior Member Array title="El-Gonzo Jackson has a reputation beyond repute"> El-Gonzo Jackson's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Oh well. You only have to deal with it for at least 8 years....maybe longer.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Array title="steelreserve has a reputation beyond repute"> steelreserve's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Oh well. You only have to deal with it for at least 8 years....maybe longer.
    As usual, you think you are being clever, but it's only because you don't realize that you lost too.

    As noted at the end of the original post, this is safe to ignore. Knew it would draw the circle-jerkers like flies; don't care much what they think.
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  4. #4
    Quest For Seven Array title="Mach1 has a reputation beyond repute"> Mach1's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by steelreserve View Post
    As usual, you think you are being clever, but it's only because you don't realize that you lost too.

    As noted at the end of the original post, this is safe to ignore. Knew it would draw the circle-jerkers like flies; don't care much what they think.
    He's right you know.
    Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you did.

    Give a lib a fish--he eats for a day

    Teach a lib to fish--he is back the next day asking for more free fish.


  5. #5
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mach1 View Post
    Some of you have no idea what you’ve done.
    Tell us, please.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DesertSteel View Post
    Because democrats certainly never blamed any of the country's problems on Trump.
    We didn't? Gee, I tried to get that point across many times.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Array title="El-Gonzo Jackson has a reputation beyond repute"> El-Gonzo Jackson's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mach1 View Post
    He's right you know.
    Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you did.

  7. #7
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Oh well. You only have to deal with it for at least 8 years....maybe longer.
    The 50 Palestinian children you voted to kill have permanent consequences.

    Every conservative: If Biden is elected there will be war in the ME in the first year.

    You: So? Not my kids.

    As supportive of Israel that Trump was this unprovoked invasion into Palestinian territory rips apart every peace agreement signed in the past couple years between Arab states and Israel.

    Democrats want endless war for the military industrial complex (so do neocons like Romney and the Cheneys) and Biden is their guy. $735M for US arms to drop on civilians... thanks to Democrat voters.

  8. #8
    Quest For Seven Array title="Mach1 has a reputation beyond repute"> Mach1's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Oh well. You only have to deal with it for at least 8 years....maybe longer.
    Care to revise that prediction 101 club?

    Give a lib a fish--he eats for a day

    Teach a lib to fish--he is back the next day asking for more free fish.


  9. #9
    Senior Member Array title="steelreserve has a reputation beyond repute"> steelreserve's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mach1 View Post
    Care to revise that prediction 101 club?
    Oh whoa whoa whoa let's not get ahead of ourselves here, they can still cheat. You've already got the media setting up gun violence as the pretext for an impossible victory. I mean, they are even front-paging ordinary gang fights as "mass shootings" now. And of course they will be chanting "January 6 ... January 6 ..." for the next several months like a cult mantra. Then they just need to drum up a COVID scare for those sweet sweet mail-in ballots. They are a threat to our democracy.
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  10. #10
    Senior Member Array title="El-Gonzo Jackson has a reputation beyond repute"> El-Gonzo Jackson's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mach1 View Post
    Care to revise that prediction 101 club?
    Let me know when the republicans actually have a candidate that can win.

    At this point the party is still divided into 1. a group of wingnuts that believe in space lasers, Qanon and extreme rightards that eat up whatever Fox news throws at them. (Should be another caravan coming soon). and ... 2. a group of traditional conservatives that believe in lower taxes, less government, the right to bear arms and capitalism.

    The 2nd group doesnt want much to do with the first, so the splitting of the vote lets the Dems slide in for another term.

  11. #11
    Old School Misfit Array title="silver & black has a reputation beyond repute"> silver & black's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Let me know when the republicans actually have a candidate that can win.

    At this point the party is still divided into 1. a group of wingnuts that believe in space lasers, Qanon and extreme rightards that eat up whatever Fox news throws at them. (Should be another caravan coming soon). and ... 2. a group of traditional conservatives that believe in lower taxes, less government, the right to bear arms and capitalism.

    The 2nd group doesnt want much to do with the first, so the splitting of the vote lets the Dems slide in for another term.
    The same can be said of the Democrats. The Dems I know and talk with are normal people that want what we all want (those of us middle right/left) and then there is the extreme left wingnut faction that is all BLM, ANTIFA, climate idiots, gender changing advocates, LBGTQ fools that think CNN is a real news outlet.

    It's the same on both side... just sayin'.

  12. #12
    Quest For Seven Array title="Mach1 has a reputation beyond repute"> Mach1's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Let me know when the republicans actually have a candidate that can win.

    At this point the party is still divided into 1. a group of wingnuts that believe in space lasers, Qanon and extreme rightards that eat up whatever Fox news throws at them. (Should be another caravan coming soon). and ... 2. a group of traditional conservatives that believe in lower taxes, less government, the right to bear arms and capitalism.

    The 2nd group doesnt want much to do with the first, so the splitting of the vote lets the Dems slide in for another term.
    I pretty sure most people are fed up with slow joe and the extreme left agenda he's trying to shove down the throat of the country. The dems are in for a rude awakening.

    Give a lib a fish--he eats for a day

    Teach a lib to fish--he is back the next day asking for more free fish.


  13. #13
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Biden Resorts To Late Night TV As Approval Ratings Plunge To Record Lows

  14. #14
    Senior Member Array title="Fire Goodell has a reputation beyond repute"> Fire Goodell's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mach1 View Post
    I pretty sure most people are fed up with slow joe and the extreme left agenda he's trying to shove down the throat of the country. The dems are in for a rude awakening.
    Honestly the shit both sides are throwing out are sad. The last 2 elections were won because "Oh this candidate isnt Hillary / Donald", the next election the Republicans will win because the guy "Isn't Biden". You could get someone legally retarded to run as the Republican candidate and they'll win. Watch.

    What people should be talking about is how the federal reserve basically has been fucking the entire global economy by printing over 4.5 trillion dollars since 2020, and not taking their foot off the gas when the economy stabilized. But politicians seem to avoid talking about the fed like the plague

  15. #15
    Senior Member Array title="DesertSteel has a reputation beyond repute"> DesertSteel's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Let me know when the republicans actually have a candidate that can win.
    Agree. It's equally mind-blowing that the best the Dems could produce in the last two elections was Hilary and Biden. This country's politics is at an all-time low.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Array title="steelreserve has a reputation beyond repute"> steelreserve's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by El-Gonzo Jackson View Post
    Let me know when the republicans actually have a candidate that can win.

    At this point the party is still divided into 1. a group of wingnuts that believe in space lasers, Qanon and extreme rightards that eat up whatever Fox news throws at them. (Should be another caravan coming soon). and ... 2. a group of traditional conservatives that believe in lower taxes, less government, the right to bear arms and capitalism.

    The 2nd group doesnt want much to do with the first, so the splitting of the vote lets the Dems slide in for another term.
    That is possibly the stupidest take I have heard. What vote is going to be split, exactly? People are going to say, "the left's turn in power has been an unmitigated disaster, and they're just as unhinged and hateful as ever, and it's not even clear who's actually running the country behind the curtain - but weeeelllllll, the Republican candidate doesn't check every little box for me, so I might as well vote for the Democrat."

    Brilliant theory, but as before, the left's only path to power is to win Cheatsylvania. Unfortunately, without Trump in the picture, they just don't have enough hate left in the tank to pull that trick off again.
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  17. #17
    Senior Member Array title="El-Gonzo Jackson has a reputation beyond repute"> El-Gonzo Jackson's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by steelreserve View Post
    That is possibly the stupidest take I have heard. What vote is going to be split, exactly? People are going to say, "the left's turn in power has been an unmitigated disaster, and they're just as unhinged and hateful as ever, and it's not even clear who's actually running the country behind the curtain - but weeeelllllll, the Republican candidate doesn't check every little box for me, so I might as well vote for the Democrat."

    Brilliant theory, but as before, the left's only path to power is to win Cheatsylvania. Unfortunately, without Trump in the picture, they just don't have enough hate left in the tank to pull that trick off again.
    Did I say the vote would be split exactly? Nope.

    Just like the last election, the conservatives that voted against Hillary or against the Democrats, but not actually FOR Trump had buyers remorse. They wanted to vote against the Liberals and not for crazy wingnut government. So that is why Biden won. If the Republicans trot out Desantis or Donnie again, or some other crazy that embraces "The Big Lie", they will again lose that faction of the vote.

    I could even see Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger running as an independent to deliberately capture the moderate conservative vote and hand another 4 years to the Democrats.
    So until the GOP gets a candidate that doesnt alienate a significant portion of their voters, its 4 more years.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Array title="Fire Goodell has a reputation beyond repute"> Fire Goodell's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    I predict republicans will blame literally everything that doesn't go right in their life on the government "cause dumb libs lol" . Looks like I'm already right

    I predict that people making 40k / year are gonna complain about raising taxes on people making 400k because 'i might be there someday....' (most likely not), as if somehow voting in the best interests of wealthier individuals is going to get you invited to that club (it won't)

    I predict that people who claim to hate socialism aren't going to burn their stimulus checks, making them hypocrites, but it only matters if the other side does it

    Another 4 years of dysfunctional government because people simply can't grow up

  19. #19
    Senior Member Array title="DesertSteel has a reputation beyond repute"> DesertSteel's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Goodell View Post
    I predict republicans will blame literally everything that doesn't go right in their life on the government "cause dumb libs lol" . Looks like I'm already right
    Because democrats certainly never blamed any of the country's problems on Trump.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Array title="Fire Goodell has a reputation beyond repute"> Fire Goodell's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by DesertSteel View Post
    Because democrats certainly never blamed any of the country's problems on Trump.
    Well I suppose you have a point there

  21. #21
    Senior Member Array title="steelreserve has a reputation beyond repute"> steelreserve's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Goodell View Post
    I predict republicans will blame literally everything that doesn't go right in their life on the government "cause dumb libs lol" . Looks like I'm already right

    I predict that people making 40k / year are gonna complain about raising taxes on people making 400k because 'i might be there someday....' (most likely not), as if somehow voting in the best interests of wealthier individuals is going to get you invited to that club (it won't)

    I predict that people who claim to hate socialism aren't going to burn their stimulus checks, making them hypocrites, but it only matters if the other side does it

    Another 4 years of dysfunctional government because people simply can't grow up
    Lol, the "can't accept stimulus checks and be against socialism or you're a hypocrite" nonsense again. Like ... do you even understand how nonsensical that is?

    The government already took your money (and a lot more) for those checks and there is nothing you can do to change it. Cashing them does not mean you "support" them, it means you are not voluntarily taking the worst route in which the same stupidity happens but you get nothing at all in return. Nice talking point, though.

    You do bring up another important point. I predict that liberals will continue to project the fantasy that their opponents have all kinds of problems and that they are blaming the government for them - when in reality they are trying to prevent the government from creating completely new problems by implementing bad liberal ideas.

    The smugness and condescension will be ramped up to heights never before seen, as the left selectively labels any opposition as infantile tantrum-throwing, or dangerous hateful extremist threats, whichever suits their purpose.

    Healing and unity, though!
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  22. #22
    Senior Member Array title="Fire Goodell has a reputation beyond repute"> Fire Goodell's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by steelreserve View Post
    Lol, the "can't accept stimulus checks and be against socialism or you're a hypocrite" nonsense again. Like ... do you even understand how nonsensical that is?

    The government already took your money (and a lot more) for those checks and there is nothing you can do to change it. Cashing them does not mean you "support" them, it means you are not voluntarily taking the worst route in which the same stupidity happens but you get nothing at all in return. Nice talking point, though.

    You do bring up another important point. I predict that liberals will continue to project the fantasy that their opponents have all kinds of problems and that they are blaming the government for them - when in reality they are trying to prevent the government from creating completely new problems by implementing bad liberal ideas.

    The smugness and condescension will be ramped up to heights never before seen, as the left selectively labels any opposition as infantile tantrum-throwing, or dangerous hateful extremist threats, whichever suits their purpose.

    Healing and unity, though!
    you could just stop trying to justify taking the money and just say it's ok if you do it, socialism if anyone else does

  23. #23
    Senior Member Array title="steelreserve has a reputation beyond repute"> steelreserve's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Goodell View Post
    you could just stop trying to justify taking the money and just say it's ok if you do it, socialism if anyone else does
    Or, I mean, you could recognize that none of that really has anything to do with socialism, and is just a retarded talking point invented by the left so that they can try to slap hypocrite labels on their opponents. Kind of like all the weak "Jesus said X so you're a hypocrite" arguments that they make. They'll really just throw anything at all out there whether it makes sense or not, as long as it's a pretext for calling someone a hypocrite.

    I wonder if the liberals have ever considered that no one cares whether they call them hypocrites. It's just another empty phrase that only has any meaning inside their own fantasy world. I mean, some of us will try to do you a favor and help you out of that logic box you've built for yourselves, but it's usually just a waste of time. We tried, though.
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  24. #24
    Senior Member Array title="Fire Goodell has a reputation beyond repute"> Fire Goodell's Avatar

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by steelreserve View Post
    Or, I mean, you could recognize that none of that really has anything to do with socialism, and is just a retarded talking point invented by the left so that they can try to slap hypocrite labels on their opponents. Kind of like all the weak "Jesus said X so you're a hypocrite" arguments that they make. They'll really just throw anything at all out there whether it makes sense or not, as long as it's a pretext for calling someone a hypocrite.

    I wonder if the liberals have ever considered that no one cares whether they call them hypocrites. It's just another empty phrase that only has any meaning inside their own fantasy world. I mean, some of us will try to do you a favor and help you out of that logic box you've built for yourselves, but it's usually just a waste of time. We tried, though.
    You tried how, by attacking the other side? congrats, now you know why everyone shuts you off before they read your first sentence lol. If you're really trying to help things, I suggest you try a different approach.

  25. #25
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Goodell View Post
    I predict that people making 40k / year are gonna complain about raising taxes on people making 400k because 'i might be there someday....' (most likely not), as if somehow voting in the best interests of wealthier individuals is going to get you invited to t
    I predict that people who claim to hate socialism aren't going to burn their stimulus checks, making them hypocrites, but it only matters if the other side does it

    Another 4 years of dysfunctional government because people simply can't grow up

    Had to respond to you because your stimulus check comment is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. The government forced businesses to shut down. People could not work. To say that the government can force a person to be unemployed against their will but that they would be a hypocrite for relying on the government that forced them into that position is ugly and stupid. You're a very hate filled person to mock people who want to work but cannot. Stop being a bad person please.

  26. #26
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Lloydwoodsonjr View Post

    Had to respond to you because your stimulus check comment is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. The government forced businesses to shut down. People could not work. To say that the government can force a person to be unemployed against their will but that they would be a hypocrite for relying on the government that forced them into that position is ugly and stupid. You're a very hate filled person to mock people who want to work but cannot. Stop being a bad person please.
    Many liberals seems to hold the odd view that the lockdowns and restrictions were something that just happened on their own and were nobody's fault. Not that they were ill-advised and often highly illegal decisions made by actual people, who deserve severe consequences for their actions.
    See you Space Cowboy ...

  27. #27
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Goodell View Post
    I predict republicans will blame literally everything that doesn't go right in their life on the government "cause dumb libs lol" . Looks like I'm already right

    I predict that people making 40k / year are gonna complain about raising taxes on people making 400k because 'i might be there someday....' (most likely not), as if somehow voting in the best interests of wealthier individuals is going to get you invited to that club (it won't)

    I predict that people who claim to hate socialism aren't going to burn their stimulus checks, making them hypocrites, but it only matters if the other side does it

    Another 4 years of dysfunctional government because people simply can't grow up
    Your finances and everyone else's were in better shape when Trump was in office vs the current shitshow. Denying it would only be lying.

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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky Mtn. View Post
    Your finances and everyone else's were in better shape when Trump was in office vs the current shitshow. Denying it would only be lying.
    I'm guessing he doesn't realize that inflation is the cruelest tax there is on middle an lower class incomes. Many people don't realize inflation is a hidden tax to pay for government stupidity.

  29. #29
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    DOJ states Biden unfit to stand trial .......... let that sink in while they parade him around as a presidential candidate
    Kenny Pickett is who I though he was .. Eagles problem now

  30. #30
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    Re: Welcome to day 1 of the illegitimate U.S. government, make your predictions here

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwinsgames View Post
    DOJ states Biden unfit to stand trial .......... let that sink in while they parade him around as a presidential candidate
    Well DG,it's obvious that they are quite wacked.

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