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Thread: SU Do's and Dont's

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  1. #1
    Administrator Array title="HometownGal has a reputation beyond repute"> HometownGal's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2010
    Da Burgh

    Exclamation SU Do's and Dont's

    In general, please be civil. These forums are provided for the community, and we encourage all members to be welcomed. We value the opportunity to communicate directly with our membership, and ask that the site and all community members be respected. Thanks for becoming a part of our forum family and we look forward to your input and many great discussions! Most of all - we want everyone to have a rewarding and fun experience here at Steelers Universe! If at any time you have a question, comment or suggestion, please feel free to contact one of the Admins/Mods and we will be happy to accommodate you!

    There are specific posting guidelines below which we request members adhere to when posting. Violations may result in account sanctions, including temporary and permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation. The Steelers Universe Staff exercises full discretion to determine whether or not a post is appropriate, and reserves the right to edit, delete, ban and/or take other action without warning against any content posted on these sites. We also reserve the right to edit this Code of Conduct at any time.

    1. No Spam. Comments posted repeatedly in a thread or multiple threads on the same topic, links unrelated to the thread subject and other actions deemed spam by forum moderators will be deleted.

    2. No Flaming other than in The Beat Down forum. Comments outside of said forum deemed as abusive, offensive, trolling, obnoxious or provocative will be deleted without warning and if deemed appropriate by an Admin/Mod, the offensive party could receive an infraction or be temp/perma-banned. We hope this action will not be necessary.

    3. No Hazing of New Members. This rule will be strictly enforced. Everyone is welcome to join our forum and to share their thoughts no matter where they hail from or what their post count is.

    4. Copyrighted materials posted illegally, pornography (outside of The Night Club), abandonware, nudity, gross and abrasive pictures or links to the same, etc. will be removed. Rule of thumb - if you have even a sliver of doubt on whether you should post something, you most likely shouldn't. Feel free to ask an Admin/Mod if what you wish to post is appropriate. This rule also applies to avatars and signatures.

    5. Cursing is permitted in moderation. F-bombs will be permitted unless used to intentionally flame or harass another member. Gross vulgarity will NOT be permitted.

    6. Please stay on topic. Hijacking threads not only takes away from the original content of the discussion but is unfair to other members who wish to address the topic at hand.

    7. No redundant threads please (See #1 above). One thread per subject matter should be sufficient to state your opinion and/or get your point across. We would appreciate your cooperation here, as we prefer not to clutter up a forum with multiple threads on the same topic. Thanks!

    8. No advertising unless prior authorization is obtained from an Admin. Please do not post threads designed to drive traffic to another site for the purpose of promotion. (You may, however, link charitable sites.)

    9. Use the PM feature where appropriate. Please do not engage in private discussions or extended conversations on the public forum.

    10. We are NOT a dating site. If you see someone's font you like and want to get to know that person better, please use the PM feature or contact them in some other fashion. We are not responsible for break-ups or divorces! LOL!

    11. No multiple accounts. This rule will be strictly enforced.

    12. Please limit signatures to 80 pixels high by 500 pixels wide.

    13. Please do not take on the role of an Admin/Mod unless you have been appointed as such. If you have an issue with a member or an Admin or a Mod in general, please address it with them privately via the PM feature instead of taking them to task on the open board. We would appreciate your cooperation in this regard!

    14. Please do not abuse the rep points system. It has been instituted for our members' pleasure and is not to be used to flame, harass or annoy other members. This also applies to the PM feature.

    15. If you feel that a violation of these rules has occurred or that you have been unfairly treated, please notify an Admin or Mod. We strive to make these forums an enjoyable experience for everyone!

    Last edited by HometownGal; 11-26-2010 at 02:45 PM. Reason: Edited name to reflect "Steelers Universe"

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