Just curious for the religious people. Why do you believe in god? Was it because you actually had a spiritual experience or was it because you were taught to believe it growing up and just never questioned it? Or is it the fear of going to hell if you're a nonbeliever? Do you do it out of fear or actual joy of following the tenets / commandments?

For me, I'm not religious, but I was for about my first 23 years on Earth until I lost my faith / beliefs. I used to think I was the most devout follower in Christ, I literally did everything by the book until my 'fuck it moment'. I went to church sometimes more than once a week, read the bible, stayed away from alcohol and sex, thinking that the ultimate reward was waiting for me after I died. However, I can say my main reason for being a follower was the fear of going to hell and being punished (they really drill that into your head growing up).

At some point I started to question the truth and sense in everything, as well as some of the bible stories / lessons that were totally contradicting to the ten commandments. I prayed every day for years for god to talk to me, to help me stay on the path. If god supposedly loves all his children equally, surely he'd come to me like he did King David, Moses, or sometimes even criminals who Jesus supposedly talked to. As more time went on, I started to realize it was bullshit and decided to live my life how I wanted to, and instead of the 10 commandments, I just stick to the one commandment, don't be an asshole.

After all, it works. If you're not an asshole, chances are you won't be a murderer, thief, or liar so it's all good right

Anyway I'm not here to knock anybody who still believes in god, but I'm just curious if any of you ever questioned the validity of the faith at all during your life?