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Thread: Hey CaSteeler...

  1. #1
    Klaatu barada nikto Array title="suitanim has a brilliant future"> suitanim's Avatar

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    Hey CaSteeler...

    Hey, asshole...guess what?

    I wasn't talking about you in the OSU thread. I know you think the World revolves around you and all, but you admitted another piss-poor reason why you dumped all your old teams and hopped on the West Coast (cough winners cough) think you're the only OSU turncoat that posts on internet message boards? In fact, I think there are about 3 people who posted at SF who swapped OSU for NC winners, so you're in no way alone in that.

    Jesus, what a fucking crybaby...typical lawyer...and name ONE debate you "housed me" in. What a fucking joke...
    Last edited by suitanim; 06-02-2010 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Array title="SteelersinCA is an unknown quantity at this point">

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    Quick this is the part where you feign that you don't know my real name and don't have the time for insignificant people like me so you could really not care less about getting my name right. That would be one of your 4 canned responses.

    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post
    There is someone who posts on this board, a turncoat, who actually said to me once, in all seriousness, that "Ohio State football should win a national championship every year, and their failure to do so is a part of the reason I don't cheer for them anymore"

    Wow, there's an awful lot wrong with that one short sentence...
    Quick again, tell us how important your ad copy job in the marketing mega capital of Akron, OH that you don't take the time to really read what is written and you are just doing things off the top of your head. Explain away your mistakes again with over sensationalizing your status in life. "Bring facts even though I do this off the top of my head without any real thought."

    This board, SF, etc, you have been doing this since 1996 WebTV so it's obvious someone of your superior forum stature can't keep their boards straight, all hail the guru!! Bow down to his almighty presence!

    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post
    Hey, asshole...guess what?

    I wasn't talking about you in the OSU thread. I know you think the World revolves around you and all, but you admitted another piss-poor reason why you dumped all your old teams and hopped on the West Coast (cough winners cough) think you're the only OSU turncoat that posts on internet message boards? In fact, I think there are about 3 people who posted at SF who swapped OSU for NC winners, so you're in no way alone in that.

    Jesus, what a fucking crybaby...typical lawyer...and name ONE debate you "housed me" in. What a fucking joke...
    YOUR world revolves around me, but that's not my problem it's yours. Anyone with two brain cells can see that you are a cancer on this board; one of the few people the majority of posters rally against. Congrats on being in the same company as Tim Lumber and Billybob! You are an arrogant prick who must have been made fun of incessantly as a youth and now your only recourse is lashing out online.

    As far as debates, here's the latest in a long line, you know the rest; every other one you stomp off and say "no one brings facts, I'm bored with this, I don't have time with this I'm too important in Hartville, OH (coincidentally not Akron, OH the home of Lebron James, you're a 3rd string, C game, or any of your other canned drivel when your run away after being scolded by other people.

    This will be my only response to you in this thread, because we all know once you get schooled yet again, you'll try to claim this was meant for someone named CaSteeler and not SteelersinCA even though we can all see through your bullshit. Or maybe you'll tell us how great your halloween costume was one year that your mommy made for you and how expensive it was and how great your social life is that you actually got invited to a party. Then cry about how someone gave the guy you were fighting with positive rep when you were giving him negative. Then when you realize EVERYONE thinks you're an asshole and that's why they gave a Bengal fan positive rep you'll leave the board for several months.

    Oh wait, that's been done before..... At least some things never change.

    Let's not forget the one that started this all.... Aww so sorry I hurt your feelings poor little baby..

    How's it feel to be the bitch of a brand new board?
    Last edited by SteelersinCA; 06-02-2010 at 04:30 PM.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    raising him properly Array title="vasteeler has a reputation beyond repute"> vasteeler's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 43Hitman View Post
    save me some of that

    "Zeds dead baby, Zeds dead." - Butch

  5. #5
    Reigning Black & Gold Array title="venom has a reputation beyond repute"> venom's Avatar

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    Oh snap

  6. #6
    Tim Lumber's #1 fan Array title="steelax04 is an unknown quantity at this point">

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    Here come the zombies!

  7. #7
    member since day 1 Array title="7SteelGal43 is a name known to all"> 7SteelGal43's Avatar

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    pass me some o' dat popcorn
    Stay classy, leftnutz

  8. #8
    Klaatu barada nikto Array title="suitanim has a brilliant future"> suitanim's Avatar

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    Hmmmmmm…where to begin.

    First off, posting then walking away without awaiting the retort is straight up douchebag pussy shit, and exactly what I expect from a piece of shit PI lawyer. But I bet you’ll be back after this post.

    Yes, I did say “This board”…perhaps that slip is what made you crack in response, perhaps not…you’re a lawyer, and trained to live in the small slivers of minutiae. However, there are SEVERAL posters who have turncoated on the Bucks for not winning every year, and I didn’t think that was ever one of the weak-assed reason you gave. Did you at one time? Perhaps…it’s just the kind of fucked up, twisted logic horseshit spin you’d spew in your quest to only ever back the winning horse. I certainly don’t put it past you. But the facts are still the facts. If I was going to call you out, I’d just CALL YOU OUT, you stupid fuckstick! What the fuck reason would I have to hedge or hem and haw?

    I lump you in with all the other third rate country cornpone fucks who think that by walking away from where they are from, buying a pair of tasseled loafers and sticking a couple capital letters behind their name, they amount to something more than they are, and, more accurately, think that they have the right to bash away at the places and people that remind them where they came from or the people who still enjoy living there. And the fact that you took all this time to single ME out when I wasn’t even bothering to single you out screams volumes.

    It’s especially cute to reference ancient history that predates you on the last board in re the joke about the Halloween costume. What kind of sick fuck takes self-effacing humor and tries to make it a real comment on the person already mocking themselves? And it's also irrefutable proof that you got a little boost from a few of the other haters who constantly stalk me and my posts on THIS board and others. It takes big fucking balls to get others to help you out in a flame attack…but you’re a fucking C-list bullshit artist with a JD, so why wouldn’t you lie, cheat, steal and do any other dirty low-down-underhanded tactic just to give you a little edge?

    And knocking where I live? What the fuck kind of stupid-assed piss-poor idiocy is that? You think I’m forced to live here? I LIKE it in Hartville…it’s got a great school, it’s safe as Hell, no traffic, close to plenty, and it‘s exactly where I want to be. This incessant self-hating desire to knock down anything remotely reminding you of where you’re from is transparent and infantile. You’re from Ohio, just a shittier part than where I chose to live. Bagging on it will never change that fact, even if you end up living on the moon someday, you stupid see-through asstool.

    Although you’re a fucking piece of shit who knows a little about a little, and even less about football, I’m not taking you off ignore…I don’t need to anymore now that there’s a forum I can go to and call you out for what you are with no consequences. I’m not going to pay you any more or less attention than you deserve, which ain’t all that much, and certainly not anywhere near the amount you think I should be paying to you. Most of the time I don’t pay attention to who the poster is, and that won’t change, but when people chase around behind me purposefully calling me out REGARDLESS OF THE CONTENT OF MY POSTS, I’ll take notice.

    And I’m setting the record straight once and for all.

    If I’m going to call you out, I’m going to call you out, by name, and I’ll NEVER make the mistake of being vague again…oh, matter how many championship winning teams you "adopt" and how long and hard you prattle on, and how far Kobe's cock reaches down your throat, and how far away you move, you're still from Ohio.

    That's all I'm going to say about wasted too much of my time already...and I still think that the retarded titsticks who abandon teams because they don't win every year suck...if that general statement applies to you, double fuck you for that, too...
    Last edited by suitanim; 06-03-2010 at 09:28 AM.

  9. #9
    member since day 1 Array title="7SteelGal43 is a name known to all"> 7SteelGal43's Avatar

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    you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
    Stay classy, leftnutz

  10. #10
    Good Guys with Black Hats Array title="SteelMember has a reputation beyond repute"> SteelMember's Avatar

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    It's Fargin' War!

  11. #11
    Good Guys with Black Hats Array title="SteelMember has a reputation beyond repute"> SteelMember's Avatar

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    You've violated my Fargin' rights!
    Last edited by SteelMember; 06-03-2010 at 09:45 AM. Reason: double post... I had to do sumpin

  12. #12
    member since day 1 Array title="7SteelGal43 is a name known to all"> 7SteelGal43's Avatar

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    Last edited by 7SteelGal43; 06-03-2010 at 11:47 AM.
    Stay classy, leftnutz

  13. #13
    Klaatu barada nikto Array title="suitanim has a brilliant future"> suitanim's Avatar

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    There seem to be a LOT of people who either can't read or think that they are the alter ego of of the target of THIS thread, it seems...which is doubly ironic since the original post wasn't even about him to begin with.

    Attention whorism at it's finest...

  14. #14
    member since day 1 Array title="7SteelGal43 is a name known to all"> 7SteelGal43's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post

    Attention whorism at it's finest...

    speaking of irony........

    and poor casteeler. when he logs in, he's gonna wonder WTF this thread is all about.
    Last edited by 7SteelGal43; 06-03-2010 at 12:08 PM.
    Stay classy, leftnutz

  15. #15
    Klaatu barada nikto Array title="suitanim has a brilliant future"> suitanim's Avatar

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    It's quite simple, really...

    I yell into a crowd of people "Hey, stupid!"

    CA looks up and says "What?"

    I displayed a general garment, and he claimed it was custom tailored to fit him...and now a bunch of busy-bodies feel like they have something to contribute, probably just to get their post counts up and fish for karma points from the braintrust...pretty sad...

  16. #16
    member since day 1 Array title="7SteelGal43 is a name known to all"> 7SteelGal43's Avatar

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    Stay classy, leftnutz

  17. #17
    Geek God Array title="X-Terminator has a reputation beyond repute"> X-Terminator's Avatar

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    Enough already! Thread closed.

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