Post-Gazette has its season preview articles on the Steelers

Lead article is on how Ben has moved on after the sexual assault allegations and worth a read - bottom line is his image will never recover but Ben apparently is simply trying to lead a good life away from the field rather than engage in any efforts at a public effort for redemption.

Ben's Quiet Quest

Ben Roethlisberger will not reflect. That is the first protection he has in place.

The aging quarterback knows the score. He is acutely aware of the clock. There will never be enough time for him to engineer a comeback, not in this particular game, anyway. It is hard to not already feel defeated.

Experience tells him how this will go....

“We were essentially going to line up like a 60 Minutes feature,” [his agent Ryan] Tollner says, “and ‘These are the things we’re going to project, this is what you’re going to say, this is how we’re going to start winning people back.’ After enough discussion, Ben said to me, ‘Why? I only want to do the media that the team requires me to do. I don’t want to do anything that appears like I am trying to win people back by convincing them of something. I want my actions to convince people of who I am.’

“It became apparent to him that the media thing was so out of control, there was no chance to wrap your arms around it. He accepted they’re going to write what they want. He decided at that point, I’m not going to give anybody any reason to say or write anything negative about me.” ...

Ben’s retreat from the public eye was what felt right to him, but it hasn’t helped him repair his image.

His current Q Score, a measure of a celebrity’s popularity among a representative population, suggests that 27 percent of people are likely to have a negative opinion of him, compared to 18 percent positive, according to Henry Schafer with The Q Scores Company. Schafer says the only three NFL players with higher negative Q Scores are Johnny Manziel, Jay Cutler and Colin Kaepernick.

Link to full article