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Thread: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

  1. #31
    Senior Member Array title="zulater has a reputation beyond repute"> zulater's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post
    This became a story because the Japanese were concerned he was going to apologize.

    So, although we don't know for sure, it would appear that one of two scenarios were in play here:
    1) Obama offered to apologize, and the Japanese government said "please don't", or
    2) The Japanese government believed for some other reason that Obama was going to apologize, and said "please don't".

    Again, knowing the character of the man, and his penchant for supplicating the US on bended knee before all the other Countries of the World, I don't believe it strains credulity to suspect strongly that option 1 is actually true. And I see no reason to shelter this dude from the reaping of seeds he himself had earlier sown in this regard. This is credible because it fits with his repeat patterned behavior.

    If there is a convicted bank robber with a certain MO who moves into your neighborhood, and suddenly banks start getting robbed with the same MO, is it unreasonable to at least suspect maybe the bank robber is involved?
    That would be profiling, and as we all know, that's wrong! The next thing you know you'll be claiming it was wrong to strip search those Cub Scouts at the airport?!

    "A man's got to know his limitations."

  2. #32
    The voice of reason Array title="GoSlash27 has a reputation beyond repute"> GoSlash27's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post
    This became a story because the Japanese were concerned he was going to apologize.

    So, although we don't know for sure, it would appear that one of two scenarios were in play here:
    1) Obama offered to apologize, and the Japanese government said "please don't", or
    2) The Japanese government believed for some other reason that Obama was going to apologize, and said "please don't".

    Again, knowing the character of the man, and his penchant for supplicating the US on bended knee before all the other Countries of the World, I don't believe it strains credulity to suspect strongly that option 1 is actually true. And I see no reason to shelter this dude from the reaping of seeds he himself had earlier sown in this regard. This is credible because it fits with his repeat patterned behavior.

    If there is a convicted bank robber with a certain MO who moves into your neighborhood, and suddenly banks start getting robbed with the same MO, is it unreasonable to at least suspect maybe the bank robber is involved?
    The OP isn't "suspicion", it's a direct charge that is completely unsubstantiated by the original source. It was bad journalism from the start that was spread all over the place because nobody bothered to fact-check it. This isn't the time to reposition those goalposts.
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  3. #33
    Klaatu barada nikto Array title="suitanim has a brilliant future"> suitanim's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Shoddy journalism aside, I didn't read it to be that he DID apologize or even that it was a fact that he wanted to....but it raises questions, and the answers that fit those questions best are the simplest. I'm sure he did want to apologize...I'm just glad he didn't.
    Fire Goodell

  4. #34
    The voice of reason Array title="GoSlash27 has a reputation beyond repute"> GoSlash27's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!
    <-- This is the title of this thread.
    Leaked cables show Japan nixed a presidential apology to Hiroshima and Nagasaki for using nukes to end the overseas contingency operation known as World War II.
    <-- This is the linked story.

    Neither of these are true according to their own source. If you read the actual cable, it says that Obama should not visit Hiroshima during his visit because people in Japan and America might expect an apology, and that wasn't going to happen. The author of the original story wrote up an intentionally misleading story and everybody ran with it without bothering to fact-check.
    Obama *might* be the type to do all sorts of stuff, but that doesn't make this story any less false. People get misled by bad journalism all the time, but generally once they figure out they've been lied to, they stop repeating it. They certainly don't defend it.

    FOX News has manned-up... sorta. In truth, the entire story never shoulda been repeated without fact-checking it first.
    "You've heard people brag about 'being in the zone'. They don't know what the Hell being in the zone is about. I played in the NFL for 15 years and I was only in the zone that one time." - "Mean" Joe Greene on the 1974 playoff victory over Oakland

  5. #35
    Senior Member Array title="The WH will become famous soon enough"> The WH's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Fact checking...BWAHAHA...RATINGS bitch RATINGS!!!

  6. #36
    Official Troll Array title="The Patriot is a name known to all"> The Patriot's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    The obsessive need of this president to apologize for American exceptionalism and our defense of freedom continued recently when Barack Obama's State Department (run by Hillary Clinton) (just in case you didn't know ) contacted the family of al-Qaida propagandist and recruiter Samir Khan to "express its condolences" to his family.
    This is my favorite piece of propaganda. I don't think it's that unreasonable that the State Department gave the family of a US citizen a phone call after he was killed in a drone strike (even if he was an obvious scumbag). I'm pretty sure police confirm with families and "express condolences" whenever they've had to use lethal force.

  7. #37
    Klaatu barada nikto Array title="suitanim has a brilliant future"> suitanim's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    I'm sticking to my guns. This would not be a story if not for the fact that Obama has already embarrassed this country and himself numerous times already bending over backwards to apologize for things he has no business apologizing for.
    Fire Goodell

  8. #38
    The voice of reason Array title="GoSlash27 has a reputation beyond repute"> GoSlash27's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post
    I'm sticking to my guns. This would not be a story if not for the fact that Obama has already embarrassed this country and himself numerous times already bending over backwards to apologize for things he has no business apologizing for.
    "Sticking to your guns"... on a debunked story. Fair 'nuff, I suppose. Personally, I prefer real news articles to lies, but to each his own.
    "You've heard people brag about 'being in the zone'. They don't know what the Hell being in the zone is about. I played in the NFL for 15 years and I was only in the zone that one time." - "Mean" Joe Greene on the 1974 playoff victory over Oakland

  9. #39
    ® Array title="Steeldude "> Steeldude's Avatar

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Obama hates America
    Hater = Realist

  10. #40
    Senior Member Array title="Rocky Mtn. is a name known to all">

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeldude View Post
    Obama hates America
    100%. At least he has a loving husband.

  11. #41
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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Quote Originally Posted by zulater View Post

    A heretofore secret cable dated Sept. 3, 2009, was recently released by WikiLeaks. Sent to Secretary of State Clinton, it reported Japan's Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka telling U.S. Ambassador John Roos that "the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a 'nonstarter.'"

    The Japanese feared the apology would be exploited by anti-nuclear groups and those opposed to the defensive alliance between Japan and the U.S.

    Whatever Tokyo's motive, Obama's motive was to once again apologize for defending freedom, this time for winning with devastating finality the war Japan started.

    Who the fuck asked him or what makes him think he has the right to apologize for American actions deemed necessary by previous American Presidents?

    He's the messiah to these morons.

  12. #42
    Senior Member Array title="Hawkman has a reputation beyond repute">

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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    WOW! Digging this thread up from ashes!?! Pun intended.

  13. #43
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    Re: Obama tried to apologize to Japan for A Bomb!

    Quote Originally Posted by suitanim View Post
    There is a HUGE difference. The Nisei was a monumental mistake on the part of the US. We SHOULD apologize, especially since we interned our own citizens.
    That clown actually thinks that's a valid comparison. Unbelievable.

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