View Full Version : This man REALLY hates LeBron!

06-02-2011, 04:11 PM

MIAMI – The guy’s moniker is Cleveland Todd. He’s 36 and a self-employed videographer. He’s obsessed with sports. He grew up in Greater Cleveland and now lives in Chicago.

And he hates LeBron James(notes).

Really hates him. Hates him as a player. Hates him as a personality. He hates both the decision (James leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers last summer for the Miami Heat) and “The Decision” (James’ self-promoting ESPN special to announce the taking of “my talents to South Beach”).

Nadroj 20
06-02-2011, 07:17 PM
I hope he wins so bad. I want to hear all the whining and excuses in the world.

06-02-2011, 08:42 PM
There were a lot of Pittsburgh fans who felt the same sort of bitterness towards Barry Bonds and Jaromir Jagr after they left town.

06-02-2011, 08:54 PM
There were a lot of Pittsburgh fans who felt the same sort of bitterness towards Barry Bonds and Jaromir Jagr after they left town.

Were? There still are. Neither of them will ever be able to set foot back in this town without being booed and heckled mercilessly, no matter how much or how often they apologize for the way they left.

06-02-2011, 09:39 PM
Were? There still are. Neither of them will ever be able to set foot back in this town without being booed and heckled mercilessly, no matter how much or how often they apologize for the way they left.

Why waste time on hating players who once gave you great thrills? I mean to me hating Jagr is tantamount to disavowing the effect his youthfull exhuberance had on the Penguins first two Cup winners. Read what Brian Trottier and others on those teams had to say about Jags, he was a big part of it. So am I supposed to get selective amnesia on those hot summer days when I'm bored and I pop in tapes from those great teams?

Bonds and Jagr are without doubt both among the 10 best athletes to ever ply their trade in Pittsburgh. I have great memories of both of them. The circumstances of their leaving is just one chapter in the book, to me it doesn't ruin all the pages that proceeded it.

Nadroj 20
06-02-2011, 10:06 PM
Why waste time on hating players who once gave you great thrills? I mean to me hating Jagr is tantamount to disavowing the effect his youthfull exhuberance had on the Penguins first two Cup winners. Read what Brian Trottier and others on those teams had to say about Jags, he was a big part of it. So am I supposed to get selective amnesia on those hot summer days when I'm bored and I pop in tapes from those great teams?

Bonds and Jagr are without doubt both among the 10 best athletes to ever ply their trade in Pittsburgh. I have great memories of both of them. The circumstances of their leaving is just one chapter in the book, to me it doesn't ruin all the pages that proceeded it.

Sadly I think that puts you in a minority, but I'm right there with you.

I agree, why hate on people so much because they left your team? No matter what the circumstances are. I understanding being upset or even mad at first but holding grudges isn't going to change anything.

06-29-2011, 07:43 PM
I don't hate Lebron...I hate the way he left...I hate the show he made as he did it...but I don't hate him.

That being said, he's not a Cavalier, so I don't root for him. I don't like how the players (LBJ and Bosh) screwed their teams over...and so, as long as they are playing for the Heat, I will root against them. I hope for a Hard Cap in the next CBA to force that talented Duo (plus 1...cuz Bosh is NOT in Wade/LBJ's league) to breakup.

I rooted for Dallas in the finals...but I did really want to see Jason Kidd get a ring...and Dirk getting one was nice too. (Didn't really care to see DeShawn Stevenson get one...but it is what it is.)

I'm a Cavalier fan. I root for my team. I recognize that Lebron is still the most talented player in the league. But I am allowed to boo him...because he is NOT a Cavalier anymore. I will boo Mo Williams every time he steps foot in Gund Arena. I have nothing against him at all...but he's not a Cav now...so he is the enemy. :P

Nadroj 20
06-29-2011, 08:30 PM
I don't hate Lebron...I hate the way he left...I hate the show he made as he did it...but I don't hate him.

That being said, he's not a Cavalier, so I don't root for him. I don't like how the players (LBJ and Bosh) screwed their teams over...and so, as long as they are playing for the Heat, I will root against them. I hope for a Hard Cap in the next CBA to force that talented Duo (plus 1...cuz Bosh is NOT in Wade/LBJ's league) to breakup.

I rooted for Dallas in the finals...but I did really want to see Jason Kidd get a ring...and Dirk getting one was nice too. (Didn't really care to see DeShawn Stevenson get one...but it is what it is.)

I'm a Cavalier fan. I root for my team. I recognize that Lebron is still the most talented player in the league. But I am allowed to boo him...because he is NOT a Cavalier anymore. I will boo Mo Williams every time he steps foot in Gund Arena. I have nothing against him at all...but he's not a Cav now...so he is the enemy. :P

Excellent post! That is so respectible its not even funny. I wish more people went about it like you because you make 100% sense.

I hate the people that says he sucks and that "cleveland made him" when they are just uptight about him leaving. The way he left was very stupid yes and I see no reason why you should cheer for him since you are a CAVS fan. You make sense and many many MANY others do not :lol:

06-30-2011, 03:42 AM
Cleveland and Lebron never made any difference to me and I have no problem with Lebron deciding to take his talents elsewhere if that's what he decides is in his best interests....having said that, I think Lebron showed how much he's NOT a Michael Jordan or Julius Irving. There was no reason for him to make a celebration of leaving town and being disrespectful of Cleveland. That whole city treated him like a king and he thumbed his nose at them on his way out of town. Then continually acting like winning a championship was a foregone conclusion was enough to make me root to see them lose...which I think a lot of the country did. I don't know if he'll ever have the same type of image with the fans of the NBA... too stupid for words