View Full Version : Who is the Most Hated Steeler of All-Time?

08-06-2018, 10:23 AM
I was thinking... as my dislike for LeVeon Bell grows by the day, who indeed is the most hated Steeler of all-time? The only criteria is that the player was hated while a Steeler, not after they left.

Fire Goodell
08-06-2018, 11:39 AM
Hines Ward if we're talking about non-Steeler fan hate.

Hate from our own fans though, I'll have to agree with Bell. The attitude, not taking a reasonable offer, the crappy rap songs.

My personal least favorite was Sean Mahan. If there was ever a such thing as a complete waste of roster space, this guy would be it. Ben seemed to get pressure in his face literally 50% of this time when he was our center.

08-06-2018, 11:45 AM
Not sure how any player could be hated by the fans more than Neil O'Donnell. Maybe Antwan Blake?

08-06-2018, 11:49 AM
I was thinking... as my dislike for LeVeon Bell grows by the day, who indeed is the most hated Steeler of all-time? The only criteria is that the player was hated while a Steeler, not after they left.

Kordell Stewart (the off the field allegations after his play went south starting with the AFC championship loss to Denver were brutal). Crying on the sidelines further stirred up the fan base.

Stewart’s Crying Raises Questions

Pittsburgh has no Kordell Stewart 'transvestite arrest' on record

08-06-2018, 11:52 AM
Mike Vick, hands down

Fire Goodell
08-06-2018, 11:53 AM
Not sure how any player could be hated by the fans more than Neil O'Donnell. Maybe Antwan Blake?

I thought O'Donnell was a good QB tbh. Other than Ben he was the best Steeler QB I've seen (Wasn't around for Bradshaw days). Though yeah 2 INT's with no receiver in sight, I can understand why the pick though.

08-06-2018, 11:59 AM
Cliff Stoudt

He got pelted by snowballs by Pittsburgh fans during a USFL game.

Neil O'Donnell
Tommy Maddox (after blowing 2 games in 2005 when Ben was out)

Pretty much every QB between Terry and Ben?

08-06-2018, 12:04 PM
O'Donnell because he is blamed for losing the SB and then leaving town to take the Jets cash.

Stewart - well I'm not even going to get into that. AtlantaDan already showed how bad it got.

Eric Green drew some hate. Maybe Dwight "Hands of" Stone?

But it will be Bell. Especially if he goes off and has any success elsewhere.

08-06-2018, 12:08 PM
Probably O'Donnell for practically gift-wrapping a Super Bowl to the Cryboys

08-06-2018, 12:50 PM
Easily Sean Mahan or Mark Malone.

08-06-2018, 01:13 PM
Hines Ward if we're talking about non-Steeler fan hate.

No!!!! Hate from Steelers fans.

08-06-2018, 02:23 PM
Super Bowl Champions Mitch Berger and Paul Ernster

08-06-2018, 02:26 PM
sucker punch?

08-06-2018, 05:59 PM
I hated Neil for one game... but I think I'm gonna hate Bell all year.

08-06-2018, 06:39 PM
Maybe Antwan Blake?


http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Doug+Baldwin+Antwon+Blake+Pittsburgh+Steelers+RkT0 sst77RSl.jpg

08-06-2018, 07:38 PM
The thing with Blake is that he was who is was billed to be.

08-06-2018, 08:23 PM
Not sure how any player could be hated by the fans more than Neil O'Donnell.


I have not spoken (nor written) his name since SuperBowl XXX. You will never convince me that he wasn’t paid off to throw the game.

08-06-2018, 08:34 PM

I have not spoken (nor written) his name since SuperBowl XXX. You will never convince me that he wasn’t paid off to throw the game.

Agreed peak O'Donnell hatred was greater, but we only truly hated him as a Steeler for less than the final two quarters of football he played for the Black & Gold.

I went with Kordell because that hatred festered for 5 seasons from the end of the 1997 season through Cowher pulling the plug on his Steelers career during the 2002 season and included multiple hatred spikes including playing horribly in two home AFC championship lossses

Sort of like picking between a player who had one great game as opposed to a player who delivered the goods over multiple seasons. :chuckle:

08-06-2018, 08:44 PM
Agreed peak O'Donnell hatred was greater, but we only truly hated him as a Steeler for less than the final two quarters of football he played for the Black & Gold.

I went with Kordell because that hatred festered for 5 seasons from the end of the 1997 season through Cowher pulling the plug on his Steelers career during the 2002 season and included multiple hatred spikes including playing horribly in two home AFC championship lossses

Sort of like picking between a player who had one great game as opposed to a player who delivered the goods over multiple seasons. :chuckle:

Kordell Stewart, QB, Pittsburgh Steelers

Face it, Steelers fans. We all love to hate players who fail in our colors. For most, Stewart represented all that was wrong before Ben Roethlisberger rescued the team from quarterback mediocrity.

He was rarely good enough and failed miserably in big spots (every start in the AFC Championship Game) and often made more mistakes than big plays. He had one really good season (2001), but capped it with a terrible performance against New England while playing for the right to go to the Super Bowl.

The X-Factors

The purported kiss with Bill Cowher, his prima donna attitude about playing only quarterback (when he could have won fans' hearts by playing his popular and successful slash role) and his big game failures all combined to make him a hated member of team history.

If you take out his rookie year and his 2001 regular season, there really wasn't much to smile about.


08-06-2018, 08:44 PM
Sort of like picking between a player who had one great game as opposed to a player who delivered the goods over multiple seasons. :chuckle:

Here’s an analogy:

Kordell was like a bad case of jock itch that went untreated. Annoying, and it just got worse.

The Unnamed One was like being castrated with a chainsaw.

08-06-2018, 08:50 PM
Here’s an analogy:

Kordell was like a bad case of jock itch that went untreated. Annoying, and it just got worse.

The Unnamed One was like being castrated with a chainsaw.

Neil ODonnell, QB, Pittsburgh Steelers

He had his big chance. If he'd have played well in Super Bowl XXX, he'd be lovingly remembered as the player who led the Steelers to their fifth trophy. Instead, he'll always be the goat.

The irony to his story? He holds the career record for lowest percentage of passes intercepted. Unfortunately, he's an object lesson in how statistics can be totally useless when evaluating a player and how one game can define a career.

The X-Factors

He could have returned to Pittsburgh in 1996 and redeemed himself, but he ran away to New York for big money. Also, the rumors that he purposely threw the Super Bowl will probably haunt him and his legacy in Pittsburgh forever.

He also wasn't the most approachable player, and his long-standing feud with the diva-like Bubby Brister grew old fast.


08-06-2018, 08:56 PM
The irony to his story? He holds the career record for lowest percentage of passes intercepted.

Which is exactly why I believe (with all of my soul) that he was paid to throw the game.

08-06-2018, 09:09 PM
Which is exactly why I believe (with all of my soul) that he was paid to throw the game.

I want to believe that. But I feel like it would've come all the way out by now.

Dunno. It was just ugly. He did make Larry Brown a ton of money though...

- - - Updated - - -

Jonathan Scott?

- - - Updated - - -

And in the "I Like Drugs More than Football Division"

Tim Worley?

http://www.steelersuniverse.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXGBcaGBcYGBcYGBcYGBgYFx0YFx gaHSggGholHRcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0lICYtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIALsBDgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAgMEBQcBAAj/xABAEAABAwIEBAQCCAQDCQEAAAABAgMRACEEBRIxBkFRYRMicY EykQcUQlKhscHRI2Lh8BUzUxYkQ3KCkqKy8TT/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QALREAAgICAQQCAQMCBwAAAAAAAAECEQMhEgQTMUEiUXFhseG hwQUjMkJSgZH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANexuLS2kqN6DMJxO 9iktDDqSk/aVYR1orfZJAG966MHCwq3SrUU1sXJp6BXj9iNC YofRC0hVEf0hu/AKE8tXpJSdjtXbg/wBB5vVL5jq8ODTzbEWii/hvAIDJcIBVfftVZxAEhaVAATaqWVOXEl4WocrB93CJmuYHDkPN lEagoEe1TFtAz32p7h/C/wAYHpTm/iyca aDtl18i kWoI4oXiPF0JaKxzVajZLg60pIB2rypQ5HtRnQMYHJFPpT4gCA ItuascVlpZa0tiTVvorwE1LxKhrI7soMEy62iDcmrTFYM CSD5oqb4fam1uAc6fb2CyMCVYfE7BoUpGDxJ3bTRmlxPUUsqT1 FZ4 nUXb3/4az6mUlS0CeVh9sLlOmdqocVli3NSvA1OE8/wrR1FPWut6e1dTlqkjkpt2zIzkuLm2FR8x 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QoRA6Tvyk0TjxYTeybhcb4ataFKQraU2kdCDY786Vj8zU9BcdK tItMQAegECTH5VCWsgXJgcopAWTz37Gp5OqJscCkkXJV7GJ62/KmluQbgKm8mf60h7UBfbeB07RTD50/EqLxBnlz70IaY6QedI8Qnr6zce0V5Lyj09014lXKKkixbLR 8TeYP9BTWNxBCDBBvEE39qeS64OSfcVH8JUmRqm8Hkeoq4teWV GSvZHwC16gY532gE8wat0lR9ef8AZqrDbk3VPTkB7davjnGtsJ Vh0FSUpSFhRBMcyALmm6fsqck/BEcYUpJAUQqCAqRIPWgVbWOwqiQFETOpJJ1Xm8Gjb60r7on1pT eJVF0iiGRx0QpFfkX0ktqBbxjRIggEbg9TNFWX4PC4pJODxIWs CS0owv2nf lAOecOh VohLnM8j6j9arsu4YxLa0qS4EkGQpJMj071teOSstzTQepamyk EEE7xIg9qUcLeQI70j6woiVSpXNR3J60qZ5VyMzsS4k8gIm5sK 8GVcgPWQK81bcSOQ6UrX/LQFnEAiTf8/nTqttgfzpPj/yj51xK/wC70UFnkn0roX2rwSDvt710ITI2p0FnAR0n0Nd8WeQ dNqUPsx86SpShsgT6/0ooLHSdViEkf3tXPCAPwxXmXDbUgA84P8ASnVuJO6D/wBxpBZxZHMCfn8prmudqWpwRZBB9T tMaNjJHURvQ0B0nv dcLhIMGPY86cTp5zSwlPNRj0FFCshYdKx8RCum4t M09pIiQPmaeUhsfaV/400dPIm/P zTY7PT2FdbbKiEhIk2FzaveGCQNaj2CZMc dONtqSdQCikE7gpiDafQ0UAktgiUmbgGQRvsd68ttMKIV8JANo 5xI6iafOv7SRcyIBTfvG/50rUpQUCAZg2TF Rnnz3p0gsrwoE7n9KStKDukH2FPeCoibx1i3zpttmP7mpFZCKK 8MOCZkg tOk3pxH70xHkMK2EmpX EvRJSYpphZEwYqajFr0jzHenH9StDK8ke3KTXkZWuNrVbNYpf3 jTacQoGyjWnFUGivOAjcgRS28uSQCFp71JDyiTJn2FJbcNx gpUGiMcuGqygQaaXhO/PlV59YUAIPLoP2peHA1iw Qo42FIolYQ2uL08vLlDZQmibGgWsPkK62ykiSATT7VBSBoZavq PelOZWRHnT86KnGUkGUj5Cq91hOr4Rt0pvGkIp2soUdlIPvXFZ YsGLHvIqb9XTfyinUYZMbdajjY6REZyZZEygepqPiMsUk3APoZ qwcYTa1NLbBAtSktUCoht5Yo3gVJTk6 gHvUxvDpkCBTzrCQDAFCiqCimVl6/7NIGXGdj8 dXQQIFhTLjY6UnECA1lqyYj5mnHsqWNx8qsQgaJioGKcPU0nSQ 6I7mVOD7JrjuWOJAJFu4qW1ilx8R dN4nErJuom1Gq0FIr/AjkKSW7Tpk08TSHFGKhbFZxAgz UfK4IIpbmIGwSBuOZgE7dKZSKURTTYrHU4i5IFyZMn12t35104 rqnmDNtxa0g2/Km0U26Kq2Fiw/zgzBG4i83IjuaZUo0qNqSDU2I//Z

Eric Green?


Bam Morris?


08-06-2018, 10:02 PM
Bam was kind of lovable. Everybody loves a fat running back.

08-06-2018, 10:58 PM
Haven't seen Anthony Smith mentioned. Between laying Hines Ward out in a preseason practice after being specifically told to tone the hitting down and his (in my opinion greatly overblown) "guarantee" of a victory against the Patriots the year they went 18-1, he took quite a bit of flak.

As far as O'Donnell goes, no hatred here. He was a journeyman QB who played like a journeyman QB in SB XXX.

08-07-2018, 07:45 AM
The one interception wasn’t ODonnells fault.

Sean Mahan is definitely it for me. He was just a useless load that should’ve never been signed.

Wonder who on this list that we’ve compiled was paid the most by the Steelers?

08-07-2018, 07:47 AM
I want to believe that. But I feel like it would've come all the way out by now.

Dunno. It was just ugly. He did make Larry Brown a ton of money though...

- - - Updated - - -

Jonathan Scott?

- - - Updated - - -

And in the "I Like Drugs More than Football Division"

Tim Worley?

http://www.steelersuniverse.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXGBcaGBcYGBcYGBcYGBgYFx0YFx gaHSggGholHRcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0lICYtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIALsBDgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAgMEBQcBAAj/xABAEAABAwIEBAQCCAQDCQEAAAABAgMRACEEBRIxBkFRYRMicY EykQcUQlKhscHRI2Lh8BUzUxYkQ3KCkqKy8TT/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QALREAAgICAQQCAQMCBwAAAAAAAAECEQMhEgQTMUEiUXFhseG hwQUjMkJSgZH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANexuLS2kqN6DMJxO 9iktDDqSk/aVYR1orfZJAG966MHCwq3SrUU1sXJp6BXj9iNC YofRC0hVEf0hu/AKE8tXpJSdjtXbg/wBB5vVL5jq8ODTzbEWii/hvAIDJcIBVfftVZxAEhaVAATaqWVOXEl4WocrB93CJmuYHDkPN lEagoEe1TFtAz32p7h/C/wAYHpTm/iyca aDtl18i kWoI4oXiPF0JaKxzVajZLg60pIB2rypQ5HtRnQMYHJFPpT4gCA ItuascVlpZa0tiTVvorwE1LxKhrI7soMEy62iDcmrTFYM CSD5oqb4fam1uAc6fb2CyMCVYfE7BoUpGDxJ3bTRmlxPUUsqT1 FZ4 nUXb3/4az6mUlS0CeVh9sLlOmdqocVli3NSvA1OE8/wrR1FPWut6e1dTlqkjkpt2zIzkuLm2FR8x 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15aqhKZcvISRsZ5gXnvSkIXz8Mi//wAFqdEFit0GCWzzsFREGNgRam9QWNKkgpVAMn3g33/Korcm0JEfren2iUKCiAIIkRc3370JbGD/ABfh0OOeVYQT94kgja6v3q74MY rBLhAUog3CrHkJgiR71CzfCtvL1oCkqJExafUbVY4ZpxKAgA6U 9TP7VvPJrRT0yzcxCSE6GlpUbKAKSg89SZUSN403iBeuEOuEpZ b2HmuJB6DlUTCsukhIbEm0SB/6mKvMJh1ISSkQUq0qAv5o2tUQTuxw29gw8tS5TJnY2giNwRVjg XNKQIkbWt7xO9eewy/ELkAaoAJHPakKw/MgT2m4 dTN3oJvdEw4hMiEW9Vf30pX1xMR4e3c/qKgeComLD3/rXk4NZn0FwQL1nRmSji0kg6TM8zSlY9AEkE9IvO/MbDeohYc5KKRzEgz8/WvBogb36zvPteihkkYsbhKiO9ptyrrWKURt MduXPvUV5B2JE8pm/vyroY56leyoA/CigJ6McUgiJ1ev4GN6bTjIGxI6yT61F8HfUbW 1S1NpPM/M39qAJDWNSDHmHum/pzpKcxQVC6gQduu83zNMjDoGxj0G3sO9dLKYO5nkP1JO39aYyS vHNR9r5zN7R/fKlKxaJkT/c1EVhwLBXbpz2FNjAiZkn3pCJLmaIJAk kCPTbuL15GPFgSDvun9ef9aYVhU2 LtOw9abWwBG88vNE/jRoLJmRZqWFhvxFpZ1FXlChAB1FAHzA9Y61WtcS4jE4lbj/AIbTcQhA0kpuQlJVzUBuTMk04yxA Enrz26XpIyxAHwfhy da9348Qciw8cROqb9B QFBfFGHKsVOiQQjzAdD PSiZOHEQAY6cutP5Vlra1p8ZwtJHNNweUQbAX6cqWJ1IIvYxgf I3YEkgEA87bH3n xUhrEjSJTE7gxb96KM8w D qANupWtGnQNQJICgCIFtp QoRA6Tvyk0TjxYTeybhcb4ataFKQraU2kdCDY786Vj8zU9BcdK tItMQAegECTH5VCWsgXJgcopAWTz37Gp5OqJscCkkXJV7GJ62/KmluQbgKm8mf60h7UBfbeB07RTD50/EqLxBnlz70IaY6QedI8Qnr6zce0V5Lyj09014lXKKkixbLR 8TeYP9BTWNxBCDBBvEE39qeS64OSfcVH8JUmRqm8Hkeoq4teWV GSvZHwC16gY532gE8wat0lR9ef8AZqrDbk3VPTkB7davjnGtsJ Vh0FSUpSFhRBMcyALmm6fsqck/BEcYUpJAUQqCAqRIPWgVbWOwqiQFETOpJJ1Xm8Gjb60r7on1pT eJVF0iiGRx0QpFfkX0ktqBbxjRIggEbg9TNFWX4PC4pJODxIWs CS0owv2nf lAOecOh VohLnM8j6j9arsu4YxLa0qS4EkGQpJMj071teOSstzTQepamyk EEE7xIg9qUcLeQI70j6woiVSpXNR3J60qZ5VyMzsS4k8gIm5sK 8GVcgPWQK81bcSOQ6UrX/LQFnEAiTf8/nTqttgfzpPj/yj51xK/wC70UFnkn0roX2rwSDvt710ITI2p0FnAR0n0Nd8WeQ dNqUPsx86SpShsgT6/0ooLHSdViEkf3tXPCAPwxXmXDbUgA84P8ASnVuJO6D/wBxpBZxZHMCfn8prmudqWpwRZBB9T tMaNjJHURvQ0B0nv dcLhIMGPY86cTp5zSwlPNRj0FFCshYdKx8RCum4t M09pIiQPmaeUhsfaV/400dPIm/P zTY7PT2FdbbKiEhIk2FzaveGCQNaj2CZMc dONtqSdQCikE7gpiDafQ0UAktgiUmbgGQRvsd68ttMKIV8JANo 5xI6iafOv7SRcyIBTfvG/50rUpQUCAZg2TF Rnnz3p0gsrwoE7n9KStKDukH2FPeCoibx1i3zpttmP7mpFZCKK 8MOCZkg tOk3pxH70xHkMK2EmpX EvRJSYpphZEwYqajFr0jzHenH9StDK8ke3KTXkZWuNrVbNYpf3 jTacQoGyjWnFUGivOAjcgRS28uSQCFp71JDyiTJn2FJbcNx gpUGiMcuGqygQaaXhO/PlV59YUAIPLoP2peHA1iw Qo42FIolYQ2uL08vLlDZQmibGgWsPkK62ykiSATT7VBSBoZavq PelOZWRHnT86KnGUkGUj5Cq91hOr4Rt0pvGkIp2soUdlIPvXFZ YsGLHvIqb9XTfyinUYZMbdajjY6REZyZZEygepqPiMsUk3APoZ qwcYTa1NLbBAtSktUCoht5Yo3gVJTk6 gHvUxvDpkCBTzrCQDAFCiqCimVl6/7NIGXGdj8 dXQQIFhTLjY6UnECA1lqyYj5mnHsqWNx8qsQgaJioGKcPU0nSQ 6I7mVOD7JrjuWOJAJFu4qW1ilx8R dN4nErJuom1Gq0FIr/AjkKSW7Tpk08TSHFGKhbFZxAgz UfK4IIpbmIGwSBuOZgE7dKZSKURTTYrHU4i5IFyZMn12t35104 rqnmDNtxa0g2/Km0U26Kq2Fiw/zgzBG4i83IjuaZUo0qNqSDU2I//Z

Eric Green?


Bam Morris?


Bam Morris, Eric Green, even Tim Worley all had bright moments. Big bird could’ve been a great TE and Bam Morris probably would’ve been Super Bowl MVP had the Steelers pulled a win out in XXX.

08-07-2018, 10:08 AM
Haven't seen Anthony Smith mentioned. Between laying Hines Ward out in a preseason practice after being specifically told to tone the hitting down and his (in my opinion greatly overblown) "guarantee" of a victory against the Patriots the year they went 18-1, he took quite a bit of flak.

Not just from the fans :chuckle:


Probably not a good sign when you aggravate Coach LeBeau while drawing praise from Deion Sanders

08-07-2018, 10:30 AM

Younger members of the board won't know about Cliff Stoudt. This is as ugly as you can get.

The Pittsburgh Maulers lasted only one season in the USFL and weren't drawing any crowds. The only sellout of the season: the game vs Cliff Stoudt

Fire Goodell
08-07-2018, 11:24 AM
Josh Scobee has to be my #2. Literally I wanted to troll his social media accounts and I'm not the type that does that lol. Didn't he blow like 2-3 games, and one against the Ravens? Later to find out that AFTER we traded a draft pick for the guy that he was hiding a leg injury?

The guy signed with us literally to take his money and run without any intention of delivering

08-07-2018, 02:01 PM
O'Donnell wins Most Hated MVP with Mahan as runner-up and honorable mention to Limas Sweed.

08-07-2018, 02:49 PM
leg humper Mendenhall hasn't been mentioned ....

Lady Steel
08-07-2018, 02:58 PM
Mike Vick, hands down

Josh Scobee has to be my #2. Literally I wanted to troll his social media accounts and I'm not the type that does that lol. Didn't he blow like 2-3 games, and one against the Ravens? Later to find out that AFTER we traded a draft pick for the guy that he was hiding a leg injury?

The guy signed with us literally to take his money and run without any intention of delivering

These are my #1 and #2 in that order. My #3 is LeGarrette Blount.

08-07-2018, 05:22 PM
leg humper Mendenhall hasn't been mentioned ....

He belongs in the group of 5 or 6 worst Steelers. What an idiot.

Fire Goodell
08-07-2018, 06:34 PM
Bam Morris, Eric Green, even Tim Worley all had bright moments. Big bird could’ve been a great TE and Bam Morris probably would’ve been Super Bowl MVP had the Steelers pulled a win out in XXX.

I don't know I think Levon Kirkland would have been MVP. 10 tackles and a sack, dude was all over the field.

08-07-2018, 07:14 PM
Bam Morris, Eric Green, even Tim Worley all had bright moments. Big bird could’ve been a great TE and Bam Morris probably would’ve been Super Bowl MVP had the Steelers pulled a win out in XXX.

All true. But each guy drugged his way off the team and out of the league.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-07-2018, 07:36 PM
How did I forget about scobie???

My top 2

2. Scobie
1. Sucker Punch I know in my heart of hearts that he is the reason for the great divide between Bell and the Steelers. Can't prove it but I know it. Both are also the worst off season pickups of our time.

08-07-2018, 07:44 PM
Back in the Day I can remember a lot of people PISSED at Mike Webster for going to KC

08-07-2018, 08:27 PM
Back in the Day I can remember a lot of people PISSED at Mike Webster for going to KC

I totally forgot he went to KC

08-07-2018, 10:16 PM
Kordell all the way. He cost the Steelers at least 2 SB trips. The Steelers wasted 5+ years on that idiot.

- - - Updated - - -

Back in the Day I can remember a lot of people PISSED at Mike Webster for going to KC

I don't know why. He has to make a living.

Iron Steeler
08-07-2018, 10:52 PM
All of our cornerbacks from the last decade and a half.

08-08-2018, 02:42 AM
Not just from the fans :chuckle:


Probably not a good sign when you aggravate Coach LeBeau while drawing praise from Deion Sanders

Smith really was a knucklehead. But then, so is Deion.

08-08-2018, 05:41 AM
These are my #1 and #2 in that order. My #3 is LeGarrette Blount.

Yes, yes and yes!

I still have smoke coming out of my ears ears thinking about watching Blount playing for the Pats* and getting a ring the same year he quit on us. :mad2:

And I never, ever liked Mendenhall. Ever. Bell is rapidly working his way to the top of my list. The minute they drafted him and I saw his smug picture, I knew he was going to be a punk.

08-08-2018, 10:34 AM
leg humper Mendenhall hasn't been mentioned ....

That’s a good one but he at least contributed on field and a nice leg hump gif

08-08-2018, 10:36 AM
Kordell all the way. He cost the Steelers at least 2 SB trips. The Steelers wasted 5+ years on that idiot.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't know why. He has to make a living.

That falls on Cowher IMO. He should’ve never let him be a full time QB and when he was Slash, there was nothing better...

El-Gonzo Jackson
08-08-2018, 12:08 PM
For me it was :
-Kent Graham, for just being a terrible QB
-Sean Mahan for being a terrible blocker at Tampa, but the Steelers signed him in FA so he could be terrible in the Burgh. SMH
-Carey Davis, for being too small to play FB, yet too slow to play RB, but having good hands to catch a 2 yard pass and immediately get tackled. Brutal that he made a roster.
- Antowan Blake for being possibly the worst starting CB in Steelers history.....that they kept starting each week.

08-08-2018, 04:12 PM
After considering everyone's worthy nominees..................... (And I'm a fan since the 70's)..................... I'm going with LeVeon Bell. Just don't like him.

08-08-2018, 05:50 PM
Kordell Stewart. You'd think he was the worst QB the Steelers ever had. The fact of the matter is the 90's Steelers were gutten by FA and finally hit the wall and had to rebuild, also Cowher never respected the Quarterback position. However, since Bill Cowher was untouchable (at the time) in the eyes of Pittsburghers, someone had to take the beatdown. It was Kordell. The AFCC meltdowns don't help his case at all.

I'm going to throw some (dishonorables) out there.

The 2008 Steelers Offensive Line. Not just one guy. The entire unit. There was that atrocious game in Philadelphia that year, and could never live that performance down.

Max Starks. Not exactly hated, but more like underappreciated. This is somewhat related to the 2008 O-Line, but he started on the 2005 O-Line as well. Despite winning two rings, the Steelers fanbase never embraced Starks and was increasingly desperate each season to call for the guy to be replaced.

Dennis Dixon. This is warranted though, this guy blew chunks.

Antwan Blake. Couldn't cover worth a damn and couldn't tackle either.

Post 2011-Lamarr Woodley. Got his new contract, got hurt, got fat and got finished. Even though he was good for a bit, Woodley will always be remembered for falling apart after his contract. That's how bad he was.

08-08-2018, 05:58 PM
Antwon Blake for purely the worst performance.

Walter Abercrombie. Like Willie Parker on steroids. Catabolic steroids, not anabolic.

Parker himself. The biggest red herring in team history. Great fantasy football numbers, but singlehandedly killed 100 drives a season.

Lamarr "The Contract" Woodley.

I never got the hate for O'Donell. He was the first halfway decent QB we had under Cowher, but it was painfully obvious that he was ONLY halfway decent. Poor guy caught a lot of shit for what was really just one bad game against a good opponent - but without him, we don't even get to the Super Bowl. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at Kordell, who was a big part of the reason we didn't bring O'Donnell back, and wasted multiple years of a badass defense with multiple All-Pro and HOF-caliber players. Even an average quarterback probably wins us either of the AFCCGs he choked away.

08-08-2018, 07:04 PM
I’ve never really hated any Steeler. There have been plenty that have annoyed me, frustrated me, and pissed me off. There were a number that were underachievers, and some just plain useless, but hated, no, no one gets my hate.

08-08-2018, 07:40 PM
I’ve never really hated any Steeler. There have been plenty that have annoyed me, frustrated me, and pissed me off. There were a number that were underachievers, and some just plain useless, but hated, no, no one gets my hate.
It's just a figure of speech.

El-Gonzo Jackson
08-08-2018, 10:39 PM
Antwon Blake for purely the worst performance.

Walter Abercrombie. Like Willie Parker on steroids. Catabolic steroids, not anabolic.

Parker himself. The biggest red herring in team history. Great fantasy football numbers, but singlehandedly killed 100 drives a season.

Lamarr "The Contract" Woodley.

I never got the hate for O'Donell. He was the first halfway decent QB we had under Cowher, but it was painfully obvious that he was ONLY halfway decent. Poor guy caught a lot of shit for what was really just one bad game against a good opponent - but without him, we don't even get to the Super Bowl. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at Kordell, who was a big part of the reason we didn't bring O'Donnell back, and wasted multiple years of a badass defense with multiple All-Pro and HOF-caliber players. Even an average quarterback probably wins us either of the AFCCGs he choked away.

-Blake- I get it.
-Abercrombie- eh, never lived up to 1st round pick status, but some decent rushing years and more fun saying "Abercrombie" than "Tim Worley"
- why the Willie Parker hate?...3 consecutive 1200 + yard seasons, Super Bowl TD run. All from a UDFA
-Woodley, I get the haters because he declined after his big contract, but I never understood why nobody gave him credit for 48 sacks in his first 5 years on a cheap rookie deal??

I still don't get how Steeler fans complain about 2nd round draft pick Lamaar Woodley having 5 good seasons in B&G. I would think most of us would be happy if 1st rounders like Jarvis Jones or Bud Dupree had a first 5 seasons like Woodley had.

08-09-2018, 12:01 AM
I still don't get how Steeler fans complain about 2nd round draft pick Lamaar Woodley having 5 good seasons in B&G. I would think most of us would be happy if 1st rounders like Jarvis Jones or Bud Dupree had a first 5 seasons like Woodley had.

I'd be happy if they combined to equal Woodley's numbers.

El-Gonzo Jackson
08-09-2018, 12:51 AM
I'd be happy if they combined to equal Woodley's numbers.

True Dat!

Jones 4 seasons, the pass rusher had 6 sacks. Dupree's 3 seasons, he has amassed 14.5 sacks. So in 7 combined seasons, the 2 first round picks have 20.5 sacks and Woodley had 48 sacks in 5 seasons. I guess the Jones/Dupree hate is destined to pass Woodley eventually.

08-09-2018, 12:54 AM
It’s Blount.

I don’t see how it’s a question.

If it REALLY turns out O’Donnel was paid off fine. But he had WAY more to gain by winning than getting paid... no matter HOW MUCH some gambler would pay him. Think of the contract he got by BLOWING the Super Bowl. But if he’d been a hero? A payoff MAKES NO SENSE.

The rest were bad players or whatever, but Blount...

He betrayed the sanctity of the game.

He LEFT THE STADIUM. He Abandoned his team DURING A GAME. I remember Bell getting fed the ball over and over to close out that game... and I was screaming at the tv “BELL COULD GET INJURED! Put in Blount!” But he wasn’t in the stadium.

He should have been BLACKBALLED FROM FOOTBALL FOREVER for that crime!

But his best friend was on the Patriots. You think Blount would have done that without HAVING A LANDING SPOT already figured out? They even did the WINK WINK in front of the press about it!

Why was collusion not investigated???

Who cares about deflated balls??? What Blount did, with an understanding from the Patriots, WAS STRAIGHT EVIL!

How is Bell even CLOSE to this??

Sure, Bell handled the PR badly but he gives his blood sweat and tears to this team YEAR ROUND with the shape he stays in.

He is no locker room cancer. He thinks he’s worth more than you think he’s worth. He’s not under contract so he’s keeping his body safe. I don’t like it, but he’s working within the rules of football and manhood in general.

He never did anything objectively WRONG.

Blount deserves to be in jail for leaving the stadium and possibly getting Bell injured.

He didn’t just quit or hold out... he was our #2 RB and he ABANDONED THE STEELERS, he abandoned the spirit of team sports, and he abandoned being a man.

Of all these players you mention... Blount deserves REVENGE be taken on him. At least the others tried!

08-09-2018, 05:49 AM
I'd be happy if they combined to equal Woodley's numbers.

Jarvis couldn't even have more sacks than Willie Gay.


08-09-2018, 12:54 PM
-Abercrombie- eh, never lived up to 1st round pick status, but some decent rushing years and more fun saying "Abercrombie" than "Tim Worley"

Abercrombie was just painful to watch. My memory of him is that at the first hint of contact, he'd turn sideways, then completely backwards and try to push ahead with his back and then fall over. Just ... ineffective and never really gave much hope that he would be effective. Topping out at 800-some rushing yards in a season is not a really great mark, either.

- why the Willie Parker hate?...3 consecutive 1200 + yard seasons, Super Bowl TD run. All from a UDFA

Like I said, he was the biggest fake-out in Steelers history. He managed to put up impressive stats, but in 60-70% of games, was totally ineffective. And a "bad" Willie Parker game was much, much worse than a bad game from your average running back.

To clarify what I mean, let's say you have two running backs that both manage a 4.0 YPC average. They get there with the following string of rushing attempts:

R1: 4, 5, 3, 0, 10, 3, 3, 6, 0, 6, 4, 5, 3, 5, 1, 6, 9, -2, 5, 6, 3, -1, 8, 8, 2

R2: 1, 0, 1, -1, 19, 0, 1, 1, 0, 12, 0, -1, 2, 22, -3, -1, -1, 40, 0, 0, 4, -1, -1

Well, the first guy was effective as hell, he got first downs, extended drives and got you in scoring position. The second guy killed every single drive he was on the field for, unless the 40-yard run was a touchdown. All the other long runs went for nothing because they were followed by zeroes and ones. A single impressive first down followed by a punt nets you exactly zero points.

That summarizes Willie Parker. He got you one first down every couple of possessions, and then whether or not you scored any points depended entirely on whether or not the quarterback could bail you out of 3rd-and-11 repeatedly. You essentially had no running game. And if the defense at the time hadn't been completely lights-out, getting us great field position, bailing us out of bad field position ... that problem would've been all the more urgent and someone would've noticed and done something about it.

The other thing about Parker that fries me is that it wasn't just his individual runs that followed that pattern; it was entire games. He would have like 190 yards against the Browns, 21 yards on 19 carries against the Ravens, 25 yards on 16 carries against the Chiefs, then 200 yards against the Browns again. I remember breaking it down once, and something like 80% of his yards came against teams with losing records and he averaged about 2 yards a carry against playoff teams. It was a complete joke.

Basically, he got all these impressive stats in "win more" situations and did not do anything to help win games where a good game from him would've made a difference, except for the occasional lucky run. Other teams knew this and the good ones exploited the hell out of us for it. It is no coincidence his career ended immediately after leaving the Steelers, and it had little to do with a broken leg.

I still don't get how Steeler fans complain about 2nd round draft pick Lamaar Woodley having 5 good seasons in B&G. I would think most of us would be happy if 1st rounders like Jarvis Jones or Bud Dupree had a first 5 seasons like Woodley had.

His early years were good. It was the crippling contract and lack of production that everyone remembers. The front office did make the contract situation worse with all the restructures, that's for sure, but I don't know who's been paid more and delivered less dollar-for-dollar in team history.

It's also an open question how much of Woodley's impressive early career was a result of his own ability, or how much he lucked into it by way of the other four rushers all being Pro Bowl and All-Pro caliber players. When the opponent has to deal with James Harrison, Casey Hampton, Aaron Smith and Brett Kiesel in their prime - not to mention 26-year-old Troy Polamalu turning potentially every defensive formation into a wildcard - it's a lot easier to overlook the sixth guy. When it was on Woodley to create the plays on his own (in Pittsburgh or elsewhere), he got skunked. Leads me to believe he was actually a Tier 2 or Tier 2B player that benefited from having great teammates, and got a Tier 1 contract for it.

08-09-2018, 01:39 PM
Jarvis couldn't even have more sacks than Willie Gay.

For the record, I hated Jarvis on draft day. I couldn't get past his 4.9 40.

08-09-2018, 02:07 PM
In his 2 seasons with the Steelers Limas Sweed never lived up to expectations and was notorious for big drops including a sure TD in the 2008 AFCCG against the Ravens.

08-09-2018, 02:50 PM
That falls on Cowher IMO. He should’ve never let him be a full time QB and when he was Slash, there was nothing better...


El-Gonzo Jackson
08-09-2018, 03:08 PM
His early years were good. It was the crippling contract and lack of production that everyone remembers. The front office did make the contract situation worse with all the restructures, that's for sure, but I don't know who's been paid more and delivered less dollar-for-dollar in team history.

It's also an open question how much of Woodley's impressive early career was a result of his own ability, or how much he lucked into it by way of the other four rushers all being Pro Bowl and All-Pro caliber players. When the opponent has to deal with James Harrison, Casey Hampton, Aaron Smith and Brett Kiesel in their prime - not to mention 26-year-old Troy Polamalu turning potentially every defensive formation into a wildcard - it's a lot easier to overlook the sixth guy. When it was on Woodley to create the plays on his own (in Pittsburgh or elsewhere), he got skunked. Leads me to believe he was actually a Tier 2 or Tier 2B player that benefited from having great teammates, and got a Tier 1 contract for it.

I actually remember the first 5 years of solid production the Steelers got from the former Big-10 Defensive Player of the Year and First Team All-American DE.

At 6'1" , 265LBS and a guy that benched 29 reps and jumped 38" at the Combine, he showed why he was an All American in College and the Steelers were fortunate that it translated to 5 solid seasons in the NFL. So he finally got paid and then injured and as the saying goes...."its tough to be hungry when you are full", so he lingered around the NFL for the next few years.

Maybe I am the minority, but I look at Woodley as a guy that played up to the expectations from his college status. His career wasn't the 10 year success story that most of us would hope to see, but at least he was a "has been" and not a "never was", like the Steelers OLB picks since him. Sure his contract had a big cap # for a guy that was on the fast slide downward, but IMO, the Steelers got good production of him on his rookie deal and I never begrudge another man for earning a good living.

08-09-2018, 03:52 PM
I actually remember the first 5 years of solid production the Steelers got from the former Big-10 Defensive Player of the Year and First Team All-American DE.

At 6'1" , 265LBS and a guy that benched 29 reps and jumped 38" at the Combine, he showed why he was an All American in College and the Steelers were fortunate that it translated to 5 solid seasons in the NFL. So he finally got paid and then injured and as the saying goes...."its tough to be hungry when you are full", so he lingered around the NFL for the next few years.

Maybe I am the minority, but I look at Woodley as a guy that played up to the expectations from his college status. His career wasn't the 10 year success story that most of us would hope to see, but at least he was a "has been" and not a "never was", like the Steelers OLB picks since him. Sure his contract had a big cap # for a guy that was on the fast slide downward, but IMO, the Steelers got good production of him on his rookie deal and I never begrudge another man for earning a good living.

I might add , much of the hate Woodley takes on from the fanbase is not of his own doing , had he not been restructured so many times his contract would not have taken on nearly as much bloat ( team doing not Woodleys) and much of that hate was the huge uncutable cap number that was created by those restructures ... had he not been restructured mutiple times the big $ owed portion of the contract would have expired about the same time his play declined and he would have then been cut and nobody would have been pissed

08-09-2018, 04:42 PM
I might add , much of the hate Woodley takes on from the fanbase is not of his own doing , had he not been restructured so many times his contract would not have taken on nearly as much bloat ( team doing not Woodleys) and much of that hate was the huge uncutable cap number that was created by those restructures ... had he not been restructured mutiple times the big $ owed portion of the contract would have expired about the same time his play declined and he would have then been cut and nobody would have been pissed

did someone force him to eat all that food? :noidea:


08-09-2018, 05:10 PM
did someone force him to eat all that food? :noidea:


that is a whole other issue

08-09-2018, 05:37 PM
that is a whole other issue

that's why I disliked him, he got even fatter when he went to the Raiders...

https://nbcprofootballtalk.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/cd0ymzcznguwzdbhnduynddiytjhm2yyzthlmtjjotqwyyznpt u5mmiwzdi2y2mzyjlknzi3zjuwnzdiogm0zgy4mdlj-e1414024780672.jpeg?w=560&h=316&crop=1

08-09-2018, 06:04 PM
I might add , much of the hate Woodley takes on from the fanbase is not of his own doing , had he not been restructured so many times his contract would not have taken on nearly as much bloat ( team doing not Woodleys) and much of that hate was the huge uncutable cap number that was created by those restructures ... had he not been restructured mutiple times the big $ owed portion of the contract would have expired about the same time his play declined and he would have then been cut and nobody would have been pissed

IMO what turned up the heat on the Woodley hate was after his production went down comments from within the Steelers organization reported he quit training seriously

"He was awful," one teammate said of Woodley's performance last season.

"He tells us he works out, but we didn't see it. He wasn't in shape. That has to be a reason why he was always hurt."


During that same time, in his last two seasons Troy's production collapsed and he was often hurt while carrying a big cap number that was not justified by his level of play but you never heard comments from teammates that Troy was dogging it

08-09-2018, 06:59 PM
LeGarrette Blount is number one on my list - - - his deceit was so blatant and disgusting that the only fit punishment I can think of for him is that he should be locked in a cage with Vontage Burfict...... But no matter how good he was and might be for the rest of his days, I, too, cannot put a name to the QB of SB XXX..... Just thinking about that game can bring tears to my eyes..... He must have been really hard up for instant payoff money...... Good grief.....

08-09-2018, 08:41 PM
But no matter how good he was and might be for the rest of his days, I, too, cannot put a name to the QB of SB XXX..... Just thinking about that game can bring tears to my eyes..... He must have been really hard up for instant payoff money...... Good grief.....


08-09-2018, 08:47 PM
If it REALLY turns out O’Donnel was paid off fine. But he had WAY more to gain by winning than getting paid... no matter HOW MUCH some gambler would pay him. Think of the contract he got by BLOWING the Super Bowl. But if he’d been a hero? A payoff MAKES NO SENSE.

Not just some random bettor. I’m talking about Jerrah himself... for like around $50 million. Jerrah wanted to prove so badly that the Cowboys could win without Jimmy Johnson, that I’m absolutely convinced that Jerrah would have done (paid) just about anything to win that game.

08-09-2018, 09:15 PM
LeGarrette Blount is number one on my list - - - his deceit was so blatant and disgusting that the only fit punishment I can think of for him is that he should be locked in a cage with Vontage Burfict...... But no matter how good he was and might be for the rest of his days, I, too, cannot put a name to the QB of SB XXX..... Just thinking about that game can bring tears to my eyes..... He must have been really hard up for instant payoff money...... Good grief.....

Not just some random bettor. I’m talking about Jerrah himself... for like around $50 million. Jerrah wanted to prove so badly that the Cowboys could win without Jimmy Johnson, that I’m absolutely convinced that Jerrah would have done (paid) just about anything to win that game.


08-09-2018, 10:09 PM
Not just some random bettor. I’m talking about Jerrah himself... for like around $50 million. Jerrah wanted to prove so badly that the Cowboys could win without Jimmy Johnson, that I’m absolutely convinced that Jerrah would have done (paid) just about anything to win that game.

I know conspiracy theories are fun, but it’s REALLY hard to hide $50 million from the IRS and the world. It’s SO risky and stupid for everyone involved... Jerry wouldn’t risk losing the Cowboys over it. That’s his existence!

And millionaires who are about to be bigger millionaires in the FA market just don’t do that. Why so he’ll die just a little richer... IF he never gets caught. Big if.

And a QB trying to lose a game would just be inaccurate all day. Not come really close to winning only to hope they can make the perfect interception that looks SO obvious.

If you had to bet your LIFE one way or the other... you die if you’re wrong, you get a billion dollars if you are right... not ONE of you would really bet on the side of Jerry paying off O’Donnel to throw the game.

Jerry could pat off someone who needs the money more who could turn ball over or not block right or... I can’t believe
I’m even trying to convince anyone of this.

But fine if proof comes out. Hate him more.

Until then, Blount deserves to die by 100,000 paper cuts!

08-09-2018, 10:14 PM
I know conspiracy theories are fun, but it’s REALLY hard to hide $50 million from the IRS and the world. It’s SO risky and stupid for everyone involved... Jerry wouldn’t risk losing the Cowboys over it. That’s his existence!

And millionaires who are about to be bigger millionaires in the FA market just don’t do that. Why so he’ll die just a little richer... IF he never gets caught. Big if.

And a QB trying to lose a game would just be inaccurate all day. Not come really close to winning only to hope they can make the perfect interception that looks SO obvious.

If you had to bet your LIFE one way or the other... you die if you’re wrong, you get a billion dollars if you are right... not ONE of you would really bet on the side of Jerry paying off O’Donnel to throw the game.

Jerry could pat off someone who needs the money more who could turn ball over or not block right or... I can’t believe
I’m even trying to convince anyone of this.

But fine if proof comes out. Hate him more.

Until then, Blount deserves to die by 100,000 paper cuts!

You see... that risk shows just how much Jerrah hated Jimmy. :nod:

#youwillneverconvincemeotherwise :wink02:

08-10-2018, 03:41 PM
I remember hating Roy Gerelas helmet.

08-10-2018, 07:05 PM
scott shields maybe he is just a disappointment, but man i hated him
but hands down neil odonnel

08-10-2018, 07:07 PM
Chad "burnt toast" Scott used to piss me off to no end also. But O'Donnel and Sucker Punch are a slot above Burnt Toast.

08-10-2018, 09:13 PM
I remember hating Roy Gerelas helmet.

Gerela's Gorillas would tend to disagree.

But, yeah, it was weird and Gerela was an old fart lucky enough to get some rings because he was horrendous in his last few years in Pittsburgh.

08-12-2018, 01:46 PM
Peezy Porter. What a loudmouth!

08-12-2018, 03:21 PM
If we can add coached, Danny Smith is top of the list.

All these names and no one has mentioned a guy that was ragged on and hated and bitched about week after week, play after play and was a very recent guy...where's the hate for Mike Mitchell that we would see on a weekly basis?

- - - Updated - - -

Peezy Porter. What a loudmouth!

Loudmouth but could and would back it up...just ask the Browns, Bengals or Seahawks TE Jerramy Stevens.


08-13-2018, 02:36 PM
- Antowan Blake for being possibly the worst starting CB in NFL history.....that they kept starting each week.

Fixed that for you. Blake was so bad that year I wanted to fire Tomlin and I am not even a fire Tomlin guy. I just couldn't believe a coach could possibly be that dumb as to keep playing Blake over and over. I remember Kozora over at the Depot would do his Winners and Losers list and would put Blake on the losers list. I would argue up and down that if Blake was on it Tomlin belonged even more because Blake should have never been playing to begin with.

I like Tomlin but I still haven't let that go. I am not sure I could ever be convinced he is a particularly intelligent coach. I think he has good qualities for a coach but smarts isn't near the top of the list. And the main reason I believe that is because of the whole Blake fiasco. It is like Tomlin wanted to lose.

All these names and no one has mentioned a guy that was ragged on and hated and bitched about week after week, play after play and was a very recent guy...where's the hate for Mike Mitchell that we would see on a weekly basis?

Loudmouth but could and would back it up...just ask the Browns, Bengals or Seahawks TE Jerramy Stevens.[/QUOTE]

Mitchell definitely goes high up on my list and interesting you mention him in the same post as Porter. The tale of 2 different loudmouths. Porter was one of the few loud individuals I liked and I think most of that came from the fact that he was really good at football and also at beating people up. He backed it up. Mitchell was a bum though. At his peak he might be considered an ok starting safety.

08-14-2018, 12:59 PM
scott shields maybe he is just a disappointment, but man i hated him
but hands down neil odonnel

Yes. Scott Shields or Deon Figures. Disappointing... aggravating, but not necessarily "hated". Unless you asked me after a game they we in, but probably not all time.

Probably Blount of the Legarrette variety... Jarvis Jones is really close though. :chuckle:

08-17-2018, 06:17 AM

08-19-2018, 09:59 AM
I'm sure Deebo is on a lot of fans' s*&^ list, but I personally would love to see him retire officially as a Steeler.

Maybe just me

08-19-2018, 01:31 PM
I'm sure Deebo is on a lot of fans' s*&^ list, but I personally would love to see him retire officially as a Steeler.

Maybe just me

Temporarily but he's out of football and his stint w/the Cheats was short and a failed effort at another ring.
I'm already over it. I was mad, yes, but I think most Steeler fans will forget about it in a few years.

08-19-2018, 02:40 PM
Temporarily but he's out of football and his stint w/the Cheats was short and a failed effort at another ring.
I'm already over it. I was mad, yes, but I think most Steeler fans will forget about it in a few years.

And remember, he’s already retired a Steeler.:chuckle:

08-19-2018, 03:12 PM
Well yeah... what I mean is I think they should temporarily shuffle Adeniyi, Pay Deebo a dollar to come in for just one day, and officially retire as a Pittsburgh Steeler.


08-20-2018, 02:58 AM
Well yeah... what I mean is I think they should temporarily shuffle Adeniyi, Pay Deebo a dollar to come in for just one day, and officially retire as a Pittsburgh Steeler.


Does this matter practically?

If he ever makes the HOF he’d go in as a Steeler. And the Steelers can always put him in their ring of honor, I assume. Kind of cold that they are ALREADY reassigning his number though. I don’t like that. Maybe eventually you give 92 away, but not the next year.

Just his one play... that PICK/TD run in the Super Bowl alone wins him ELITE Steelers honors in my book.

08-20-2018, 10:51 AM
If Jordan Berry keeps his shit up i'm gonna make sure his name is added to the list.

El-Gonzo Jackson
08-20-2018, 12:00 PM
Funny thing is there is no love for the O linemen, even in hating. I thought I would see some mention of Jamain Stephens, Jonathan Scott, Willie Colon or Mike Adams........I guess Mahan trumps them all.

08-20-2018, 12:11 PM
Funny thing is there is no love for the O linemen, even in hating. I thought I would see some mention of Jamain Stephens, Jonathan Scott, Willie Colon or Mike Adams........I guess Mahan trumps them all.

Yeah, he was pretty bad. Even "Short-armed" Shipley was probably better... and neither as good as Chukky Okobi. :eyeroll:

08-20-2018, 03:19 PM
Yeah, he was pretty bad. Even "Short-armed" Shipley was probably better... and neither as good as Chukky Okobi. :eyeroll:

Shipley’s been the starter for the Cards the two seasons, so he must be doing something right.

08-20-2018, 03:40 PM
Shipley’s been the starter for the Cards the two seasons, so he must be doing something right.

I don't think you got the sarcastic overtone of the comment.... For a guy drafted in 2009, Shipley was passed around the league until he finally won a starter job in Arizona around seven years later. Okobi sat as the pre-eminent starter in waiting for years until his turn came and they finally decided he wasn't that good. He also went to the Cardinals. Not a surprise destination for Steelers cast offs. Both were still probably better than Mahan... :chuckle:

08-20-2018, 04:37 PM
Does this matter practically?

If he ever makes the HOF he’d go in as a Steeler. And the Steelers can always put him in their ring of honor, I assume. Kind of cold that they are ALREADY reassigning his number though. I don’t like that. Maybe eventually you give 92 away, but not the next year.

Just his one play... that PICK/TD run in the Super Bowl alone wins him ELITE Steelers honors in my book.

I agree with all of this. No, it doesn't matter practically. I just think it's a show of respect and appreciation for his contributions over the years. Perhaps a morale booster for the rest of the team; a way to say "no matter what, when you are a Steeler, it's for life".


08-20-2018, 06:38 PM
I don't think you got the sarcastic overtone of the comment.... For a guy drafted in 2009, Shipley was passed around the league until he finally won a starter job in Arizona around seven years later. Okobi sat as the pre-eminent starter in waiting for years until his turn came and they finally decided he wasn't that good. He also went to the Cardinals. Not a surprise destination for Steelers cast offs. Both were still probably better than Mahan... :chuckle:

I have NO doubt.

08-27-2018, 03:40 AM
Chad Scott for me a 1 pick who would get burn each week for a long TD.

08-27-2018, 06:33 AM
Chad Scott for me a 1 pick who would get burn each week for a long TD.

The thing was, as a rookie, he was pretty good. Then he had a knee injury... and was never the same.

El-Gonzo Jackson
08-27-2018, 10:10 AM
The thing was, as a rookie, he was pretty good. Then he had a knee injury... and was never the same.

Look up his career stats and you might think differently. The guy had a 10 year career and his first season wasn't his best.

I recall Scott and DeWayne Washington actually being a pretty good CB tandem for the Steelers defense.

08-27-2018, 09:37 PM
Look up his career stats and you might think differently. The guy had a 10 year career and his first season wasn't his best.

I recall Scott and DeWayne Washington actually being a pretty good CB tandem for the Steelers defense.

Statistically, he might have had better seasons. I really don’t know, because I didn’t look.

What I recall is watching Scott as a rookie, and saying, “HOME RUN!!!” Then, he got injured... and he never was quite the same. Maybe he had more INTs in other seasons (IDK), but he never became the “shutdown” corner that he looked destined to be when I watched him play as a rookie.

Make sense?

08-28-2018, 08:39 AM
The thing was, as a rookie, he was pretty good. Then he had a knee injury... and was never the same.

I think Chad Scott and Deon "Seven" Figures both get a bad wrap with Steelers fans. Scott wrecked his knee (making an amazing pick in practice) after his rookie year, and Figures was shot in his knee after his rookie year.

Having blown up my own knee (acl gone, mcl & meniscus tear, cracked tibia), yeah I have pretty much 100% use of it but I know I am not the same. Nothing is the same. I can run, juke and all that fun stuff, but it isn't the same and it never will be.

They both will always get a pass in my book. They didn't suck, they both had significant knee injuries, and you need a knee to play at a high level.

The truth about them both is that we really don't know what could have been without knee injuries.

El-Gonzo Jackson
08-28-2018, 08:57 AM
Statistically, he might have had better seasons. I really don’t know, because I didn’t look.

What I recall is watching Scott as a rookie, and saying, “HOME RUN!!!” Then, he got injured... and he never was quite the same. Maybe he had more INTs in other seasons (IDK), but he never became the “shutdown” corner that he looked destined to be when I watched him play as a rookie.

Make sense?

Yes, makes sense. I guess I just remember Chad Scotts career differently.

I always thought he was a solid defender. The guy that was going to be good as a CB but not a pro bowl player. He ended up playing 10 seasons, 108 games, 21 INT....and only 3 of those INT happened in his first 3 seasons. So while a lot of Steeler fans painted him with the disappointment and bust label due to his draft position, much like Ziggy Hood or Lawrence Timmons, he actually was a productive NFL player and his final 5 seasons in B&G were better than his first 3.

08-28-2018, 10:44 AM
I think Chad Scott and Deon "Seven" Figures both get a bad wrap with Steelers fans. Scott wrecked his knee (making an amazing pick in practice) after his rookie year, and Figures was shot in his knee after his rookie year.

Having blown up my own knee (acl gone, mcl & meniscus tear, cracked tibia), yeah I have pretty much 100% use of it but I know I am not the same. Nothing is the same. I can run, juke and all that fun stuff, but it isn't the same and it never will be.

They both will always get a pass in my book. They didn't suck, they both had significant knee injuries, and you need a knee to play at a high level.

The truth about them both is that we really don't know what could have been without knee injuries.

To top it off, they suffered their injuries towards the tail end of the era where ripping up a knee still mattered. Now guys tear one up, come back in less than a year, and come back better than before.

09-02-2018, 03:29 PM
Without thinking too much, Bell is in my top of my list with Bryant

If it would be up to me, I would have traded Bell during the off season, since I'm tired of the drama.I was not there during all the entire offseason, since the drama of the steelers was way too much for me and Bell was one of the reason.I know he was not the only reason

The steelers can be successful without this me player if the steelers find a competent RB like an old DeAngelo Williams in 2015.I'm hoping that Conner or another can be slightly above average

09-02-2018, 03:49 PM
Landry " Check Down " Jones

09-02-2018, 05:11 PM
Landry " Check Down " Jones Thank God Ben threaten retirement the last couple seasons or Landry would still be on the team. Not my most hated though and wish him the best.

Fire Goodell
09-04-2018, 05:08 PM
IMO what turned up the heat on the Woodley hate was after his production went down comments from within the Steelers organization reported he quit training seriously

"He was awful," one teammate said of Woodley's performance last season.

"He tells us he works out, but we didn't see it. He wasn't in shape. That has to be a reason why he was always hurt."


During that same time, in his last two seasons Troy's production collapsed and he was often hurt while carrying a big cap number that was not justified by his level of play but you never heard comments from teammates that Troy was dogging it

The best thing about Woodley was reading the WoodenDong report on stillers.com every week lol

09-04-2018, 05:12 PM
It's a ended badly with the steelers for Lamarr Woodley but I don't remember Woodley disrespect the organization and the fans.

Fire Goodell
09-04-2018, 05:15 PM
It's a ended badly with the steelers for Lamarr Woodley but I don't remember Woodley disrespect the organization and the fans.

I never really hated Woodley or anything, but the hate he got from StillMill was pure comedy. I remember always reading the WoodenDong report and laughing my ass off.

I still refer to unblocked sacks as Dong Sacks :chuckle:

09-04-2018, 05:21 PM
I never really hated Woodley or anything, but the hate he got from StillMill was pure comedy. I remember always reading the WoodenDong report and laughing my ass off.

I still refer to unblocked sacks as Dong Sacks :chuckle:

We all do. :chuckle:

09-04-2018, 05:28 PM
People who think that Woodley had just dong sacks when he was at his best knows nothing about the football!

Yes, it helped to have James Harrison, but it takes at least 2 great pass rusher to be a great defense and Woodley was very important for this defense in our big years.

Woodley had his best moments in his career for his production when Harrison was injured for some games but unfortunately his career ended when he was injured in our rare victory against the pats.

09-04-2018, 11:34 PM
Has anyone mentioned Bell yet?

- - - Updated - - -

Landry " Check Down " Jones
I can't hate on a guy just because he doesn't have great talent.