View Full Version : Hater's Guide to the Tennessee Titans

09-18-2010, 02:51 PM
Five reasons to feel joy when the Steelers dominate the Titans on Sunday

Steeler Nation: Do not let last week’s win against Atlanta make you go soft. There are ruffians afoot, and they must be hated-on with unbridled passion.
This Sunday, the Steelers travel to good-old Nashville Ya’ll to take on the Tennessee Titans.

"Y'aw Titans!"
Good lord, have you ever actually been to Tennessee? It has the charm of the Gaza Strip, if only the Gaza Strip were lined with nothing but Waffle Houses and banjo bars and populated by extras from Brokeback Mountain.

REASON TO HATE # 1: Chris Johnson Blah Blah Blah

Titans running back Chris Johnson is exceptional. He has rushed for more than 100 yards in 12 consecutive games (he is two away from Barry Sanders’ NFL record of 14). Plus, he has really intimidating Predator dreadlocks. He is so suspiciously good that, according to his Twitter (http://twitter.com/ChrisJohnson28/status/24411752325), the NFL made him take three drug tests already this season.
That’s cool and all, but you know what’s even more impressive than Mr. Johnson’s streak?

The Steelers defense, which has given up 100+ yards to only one rusher (Baltimore’s Ray Rice) since 2007. In Johnson’s two career games versus the Steelers, he rushed for 69 yards in 2008 and 57 yards in 2009.
O.K., sports media, we get it. Johnson is good. Last week he ran for 140 yards against the vaunted defense of the Jokeland Raiders, coached by this freaking guy (http://d0inw0rk.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/tom-cable-raiders.jpg). Big woop. When was the last time he had to face a defense anchored by a clinically insane man-beast like James Harrison?


there's more at http://www.pittsburghmagazine.com/Best-of-the-Burgh-Blogs/Pulling-No-Punches/September-2010/Hater-039s-Guide-to-the-Tennessee-Titans/

09-19-2010, 07:32 AM
OMFG that article is hilarious! :lol: :rofl: :thumbsup:

I loved the hit on Vince Young and especially this . . . :lol:


09-21-2010, 10:55 AM
That was a great article, but if you want more laughter check out the link to the "Hungover Owls".

The language is a bit much but I was hurting from all the laughter!

Mean Joe
09-23-2010, 08:11 AM
Thanks for the "guide" it was helpful! Check out who else is a steelers fan in Nashville...


Note to the Titans: You cant make up a fake "12th man" towel, give them away for free at the gates and expect them to work!

09-23-2010, 01:34 PM
Great pic !!!!!! lol

09-23-2010, 04:55 PM
Good lord, have you ever actually been to Tennessee? It has the charm of the Gaza Strip, if only the Gaza Strip were lined with nothing but Waffle Houses and banjo bars and populated by extras from Brokeback Mountain.

AHEM....as a Tennessean, I can assure you that this is total :poop:
Somebody owes me an apology ! :hmm:

09-23-2010, 09:36 PM
AHEM....as a Tennessean, I can assure you that this is total :poop:
Somebody owes me an apology ! :hmm:

LOL! Me too!

09-23-2010, 10:16 PM
LOL! Me too!


09-23-2010, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the "guide" it was helpful! Check out who else is a steelers fan in Nashville...


Note to the Titans: You cant make up a fake "12th man" towel, give them away for free at the gates and expect them to work!

Hey Meanie!! Leave it to you to have a TT ready when you need one!!

Were you at the game??

Mean Joe
09-25-2010, 10:16 AM
Hey Meanie!! Leave it to you to have a TT ready when you need one!!

Were you at the game??

Yes! We had a great time. The place was filled with Steelers fans! After the game the streets in downtown Nashville were crawling with fans waving the Terrible Towel. Here is a pic from my seat before the game. Even this high up we had a great view.


09-25-2010, 10:23 AM
Thanks for the "guide" it was helpful! Check out who else is a steelers fan in Nashville...


Note to Nashville: Elvis performed at the Grand Ole Opry, but he's Memphis, he's rock and roll. Don't go perpetratin on "The King"