View Full Version : Steelers' offensive firepower a good sign for future

09-21-2015, 05:33 AM
So what’s that old football saying, “What a difference a week and three days make?”

No, that’s not it. In fact, that would be stupid.

But regardless, the professional distance travelled by the Steelers, both in terms of competence and promise, from their opener Sept. 10 to their Heinz Field debut Sunday, was just a little staggering.

Mike Tomlin said he wouldn’t read too much into a 43-18 annihilation of San Francisco, an observation that stood as perhaps the only thing that wasn’t surprising about his eighth win in nine home openers.

“I’m not going to paint with a broad brush based on this performance,” said the head coach, “just like I didn’t a week ago. The truth is probably somewhere in between. We are going to keep working. We need to be better next week than we were this week.”..........

Read more @ http://www.post-gazette.com/sports/gene-collier/2015/09/21/gene0921/stories/201509210061