View Full Version : Starkey: Bradshaw's legacy underappreciated

Lady Steel
02-03-2015, 09:34 AM
Maybe it's because he decided to become a professional buffoon after his playing days. Maybe it's because many in these parts regard him as a phony.

Maybe it's because his career numbers — at least when applied to the E-ZPass modern game — look so pedestrian. Maybe it's because there were so many other great players on the Steelers teams of the 1970s.

Whatever the reason, it seems Terry Bradshaw barely makes it into the conversation of best big-game quarterback of the Super Bowl era. It seems the mainstream conversation now begins and ends with Tom Brady and Joe Montana.

Bradshaw belongs in that conversation.

Not as the greatest quarterback of all-time, mind you, but certainly as the greatest big-game quarterback.


02-03-2015, 10:00 AM
For Super Bowl XIII, people forget that the Brokebacks' defense was very good in 1978. And Bradshaw torched their asses for 4 TD's. My favorite moment is when Bradshaw threw the bullet TD to Swann and Cliff Harris and Charlie Waters are looking around like they didn't know what happened.

02-03-2015, 01:09 PM

02-03-2015, 02:28 PM
Bradshaw should be in the conversation for big games. As far as best ever, I don't think he's in that conversation. But again, big games, he's definitely in that conversation. Of course people will say that the Steelers won despite Bradshaw and becausei'll be there defense.

02-03-2015, 02:58 PM
Maybe it's because he decided to become a professional buffoon after his playing days. Maybe it's because many in these parts regard him as a phony.

Maybe it's because his career numbers — at least when applied to the E-ZPass modern game — look so pedestrian. Maybe it's because there were so many other great players on the Steelers teams of the 1970s.

Whatever the reason, it seems Terry Bradshaw barely makes it into the conversation of best big-game quarterback of the Super Bowl era. It seems the mainstream conversation now begins and ends with Tom Brady and Joe Montana.

Bradshaw belongs in that conversation.

Not as the greatest quarterback of all-time, mind you, but certainly as the greatest big-game quarterback.


Agree with you 100percent. He was one tough SOB especially in big games.

02-03-2015, 03:51 PM
Brad could take a hit and had a good arm. He also threw a lot of picks. Best of all time was Joe Montana. Bradshaw was best Steeler QB ever.

02-03-2015, 04:11 PM
IMO Bradshaw could play in todays game. Brady, and Manning could not have played in Bradshaw's era.

02-03-2015, 04:18 PM
Brad could take a hit and had a good arm. He also threw a lot of picks. Best of all time was Joe Montana. Bradshaw was best Steeler QB ever.

Then again, how would Montana perform if he played in the 70's?

I can't really say who was the best of all-time. There were so many great QBs.

It really isn't football now. Thanks Goodell , you imbecile

Lady Steel
02-03-2015, 04:19 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10352338_902144099806502_6227023643071272634_n.jpg ?oh=2ff60183c123c5d3bd5e9fdfc151630d&oe=556A3428&__gda__=1432771233_2c222f808f52da70ac10d389ab8713a c

02-03-2015, 05:49 PM
Yeah he had a great defense, so did the teams he faced and he beat them not the other way around. Look at both the cowboys and raiders back then and tell me Bradshaw had an easy road to hoe to get to the and win the big game, even with the defense. When you compare him with his peers he stands out above the rest. You can't compare him with today's QBs as they didn't play under the same rules so no way to tell who may or may not have been better. That being said no way brady and manning could take the brutality of the 70s, but Ben could...IMHO.

I am sick of hearing that Steeler QBs don't measure up. Bradshaw has 4 rings and he got them all legitimately unlike shady brady. Yes Bradshaw belongs in the conversation of the best ever, and L.C. belongs in the H.O.F.

02-03-2015, 06:37 PM
Yeah he had a great defense, so did the teams he faced and he beat them not the other way around. Look at both the cowboys and raiders back then and tell me Bradshaw had an easy road to hoe to get to the and win the big game, even with the defense. When you compare him with his peers he stands out above the rest. You can't compare him with today's QBs as they didn't play under the same rules so no way to tell who may or may not have been better. That being said no way brady and manning could take the brutality of the 70s, but Ben could...IMHO.

I am sick of hearing that Steeler QBs don't measure up. Bradshaw has 4 rings and he got them all legitimately unlike shady brady. Yes Bradshaw belongs in the conversation of the best ever, and L.C. belongs in the H.O.F.

I think Manning could take it. His dad survived and played for some horrible teams. Of course Peyton Manning's stats would be nowhere near what they are in today's wimpy NFL.

02-03-2015, 07:46 PM
Yeah he had a great defense, so did the teams he faced and he beat them not the other way around. Look at both the cowboys and raiders back then and tell me Bradshaw had an easy road to hoe to get to the and win the big game, even with the defense. When you compare him with his peers he stands out above the rest. You can't compare him with today's QBs as they didn't play under the same rules so no way to tell who may or may not have been better. That being said no way brady and manning could take the brutality of the 70s, but Ben could...IMHO.

I am sick of hearing that Steeler QBs don't measure up. Bradshaw has 4 rings and he got them all legitimately unlike shady brady. Yes Bradshaw belongs in the conversation of the best ever, and L.C. belongs in the H.O.F.

Best ever? Nope. But he was a top-tier QB, no question about it.

02-04-2015, 12:42 PM

Lady Steel
02-04-2015, 01:02 PM

Do those guys over at BTSC ever come up with any articles on their own that they don't piggyback off someone else's?

02-05-2015, 08:44 AM
I like te facts they post though...lol

02-05-2015, 08:55 AM
Do those guys over at BTSC ever come up with any articles on their own that they don't piggyback off someone else's?

I think they copied ME! :lol:

My first post in this thread was brought up in this BTSC article. Copycats! :chuckle: