View Full Version : LeBron James Picks the Miami Heat !

07-08-2010, 09:27 PM
This team will be sick !!!


07-08-2010, 09:28 PM

07-08-2010, 09:29 PM
cant wait to see if it works.... my bet is no.

07-08-2010, 09:29 PM
CA said bad fit...what the fuck ever...

I see 5-6 titles barring injury or any other weirdness. New dynasty.

07-08-2010, 09:30 PM
Its a young team . Wade 28 , Bosh 26 and James 25 . Its going to be fun watching them .

07-08-2010, 09:31 PM
Wade said last week that Pat Riley will not coach the team . I say that if the Heat loses 2 straight , he will take over the coaching , lol

07-08-2010, 09:31 PM
CA said bad fit...what the fuck ever...

I see 5-6 titles barring injury or any other weirdness. New dynasty.

I agree this is an awsome team....If lebron can carry that less than mediocre cleveland team to the playoffs there is no way they lose with d wade and bosch

tony hipchest
07-08-2010, 09:37 PM
any news if cleveland has been torched to the ground yet?

07-08-2010, 09:38 PM
any news if cleveland has been torched to the ground yet?

one can dream

07-08-2010, 09:40 PM
The Sports Gods really do not like the City of Cleveland... then again, who does?. :chuckle:

07-08-2010, 09:41 PM
Somewhere Art Modell is laughing


07-08-2010, 09:43 PM
Update out off Cleveland. They have started killing the women and raping the livestock.

07-08-2010, 09:43 PM
CA said bad fit...what the fuck ever...

I see 5-6 titles barring injury or any other weirdness. New dynasty.

yes potentially. But there are risks involved with the situation.... egos are going to have to shrink for this to be successful and lead to a championship.

07-08-2010, 09:44 PM
Somewhere Art Modell is laughing


07-08-2010, 09:49 PM
Besides of James , Wade and Bosh's salary , the rest of the team will be earning the NBA minimum salary of roughly $1 million next season

07-08-2010, 09:51 PM
CA said bad fit...what the fuck ever...

I see 5-6 titles barring injury or any other weirdness. New dynasty.

Bad fit. Bosh NEEDS a center to be at his most effective. They're all taken right now. Lebron/Wade like to slash to the bucket to make their plays, but with no outside shooters, they won't have near as much room. Because of their skills, Lebron/Wade can handle most of the PG duties, so they just need a shooting PG to handle the PG spot...and probably a quick one.

There will be injuries to Bosh unless they get a big body underneath to protect the paint. Wade is already injury prone...and in about 2 years, Lebrons athleticism/body will start breaking down because of how hard he pushes himself.

07-08-2010, 09:51 PM
Besides of James , Wade and Bosh's salary , the rest of the team will be earning the NBA minimum salary of roughly $1 million next season

Well the numbers are not done yet and lbj just said they are all taking less money. Pat Riley is not dumb hes gonna make it work.

tony hipchest
07-08-2010, 09:52 PM
so who gots dibs on lebrons mom?

bosh or wade?

07-08-2010, 09:58 PM
Bad fit. Bosh NEEDS a center to be at his most effective. They're all taken right now. Lebron/Wade like to slash to the bucket to make their plays, but with no outside shooters, they won't have near as much room. Because of their skills, Lebron/Wade can handle most of the PG duties, so they just need a shooting PG to handle the PG spot...and probably a quick one.

There will be injuries to Bosh unless they get a big body underneath to protect the paint. Wade is already injury prone...and in about 2 years, Lebrons athleticism/body will start breaking down because of how hard he pushes himself.

Mario chalmers is gonna play the point and hes pretty good. And i believe they drafted dexter pittman to play center.

07-08-2010, 10:00 PM
Picture of Cleveland just 30 minutes ago from Google Earth


07-08-2010, 10:05 PM
Wade said last week that Pat Riley will not coach the team . I say that if the Heat loses 2 straight , he will take over the coaching , lol

Yeah it will only be a matter of time before Eric Spoelstra is going to be looking for more "family time".:chuckle:

07-08-2010, 10:05 PM
Picture of Cavaliers fans as they leave a bar after hearing Lebron James choice to go with the Miami Heat


07-08-2010, 10:07 PM
Yeah it will only be a matter of time before Eric Spoelstra is going to be looking for more "family time".:chuckle:


07-08-2010, 10:08 PM
15 dam threads for Lebron.. UGH!! Basketball sucks and has since the late 90's... Keep this crap to one thread. If basketball was meant to be then Pittsburgh would have a team..

Just my thoughts..

07-08-2010, 10:09 PM
That team is gonna be sick

07-08-2010, 10:16 PM
Mario chalmers is gonna play the point and hes pretty good. And i believe they drafted dexter pittman to play center.

Dexter Pittman enjoyed his best season as a Senior at Texas with 10.4 points and 5.9 rebounds. That's hardly indicative of a guy who's going to excel in the NBA. He's got conditioning issues, is a terrible athlete and is constantly in foul trouble. That's at the collegiate level. How bad do you think he'll do as a Pro?

Mario Chalmers is a quick but small guard who is terrible on Pick and Roll defense and bigger guards shoot right over him. Overall, he actually regressed from his rookie season to last season. Some of that has to do with injuries...but at the same time, every one of his shooting percentages dropped. Including FT. That kind of stuff won't help the "Trio" win any championships.

07-08-2010, 10:17 PM
Bad fit. Bosh NEEDS a center to be at his most effective. They're all taken right now. Lebron/Wade like to slash to the bucket to make their plays, but with no outside shooters, they won't have near as much room. Because of their skills, Lebron/Wade can handle most of the PG duties, so they just need a shooting PG to handle the PG spot...and probably a quick one.

There will be injuries to Bosh unless they get a big body underneath to protect the paint. Wade is already injury prone...and in about 2 years, Lebrons athleticism/body will start breaking down because of how hard he pushes himself.

It can be successful, but judging LBJ's ego by his most recent displays, I'm betting he won't take a back seat.

07-08-2010, 10:21 PM
It can be successful, but judging LBJ's ego by his most recent displays, I'm betting he won't take a back seat.

I don't think that will be as big of an issue. His ego is biggest off the court, not on it. Even his poor sportsmanship from over a year ago (Orlando playoffs) was after the game had ended. On the court, he is all about winning. This does make his game 5 performance (or lack thereof) against Boston a much more bitter pill to swallow.

07-08-2010, 10:28 PM
I don't think that will be as big of an issue. His ego is biggest off the court, not on it. Even his poor sportsmanship from over a year ago (Orlando playoffs) was after the game had ended. On the court, he is all about winning. This does make his game 5 performance (or lack thereof) against Boston a much more bitter pill to swallow.

Yeah, I'll be curious to see just how much money they cut from the max deal. I mean if the goal is to win a title, it could be substantial so the Heat can get some players. Those 3 with 9 minimum players won't get it done, bank it.

07-08-2010, 10:34 PM
So long as they get a good (defensively) center, they'll be fine. But they won't be able to get past Boston or Orlando very easily in the East...and have almost no shot against a healthy Lakers team.

tony hipchest
07-08-2010, 10:38 PM
its time to talk about shaq.

shaq wants to play with the spurs.

07-08-2010, 11:27 PM
Yet another punch to the gut for Cleveland Sports fans. They should be used to it by now. The evolution of Lebron from Favorite Son to Pariah.

The Drive. The Fumble. Red Right 88. The Move. Jose Mesa. And now The Defection.

07-08-2010, 11:33 PM
Somewhere Art Modell is laughing


I think what Artie-farty did was alot worse than LeBron's decision tonight - the two aren't really comparable.

But I feel for the Cavs fans tonight.

tony hipchest
07-09-2010, 12:21 AM
i think CA said it first (less than 12 hrs after lebron initially quit on the cavs in game 6 and the writing was on the wall for the whole world to see)-

They don't have the cap room to bring in another big name and keep the guys they have. Even though I think the guys they have are garbage. The Bulls would be a better option if he's looking to have a team around him, but I honestly don't think he wants to rebuild, which would take the knicks out of it. I think it's going to be a huge surprise where he ends up. Him, Bosh and Wade are going to get together and figure out where they are going. Maybe Stoudamire will be in that roundtable.

good call! :drink:

lebron made the right move and the smart decision. im not buying the ego factor, or not enough balls to go around. to me, these 3 are bringing back the essence of what basketball is all about. hooking up with 4 of your buddies, going out to the playground, and straight up ballin. and if 3 of the buddies are the baddest on the block, it makes destroying the opposition even more better. basketball isnt like football, baseball, or hockey, where every player knows or is keeping track of how many individual points are scored during the game. its about getting in that grove and winning.

i also cant wrap my head around the belief that lebron will suddenly be good enough to win 5-6 rings, yet they will be somehow diminished. i guess some people hold it against kobe that he won 3 with shaq, but he doesnt seem too ashamed. magic, doesnt seem to worried about all the points kareem scored. hell even jordan had pippen. while pippen is considered "robin" he still was voted as one of the best 50 players of all time, and damn near went to the finals w/o mike.

im sure d. robinson cherishes the time he spent with duncan, and drexler with olajuwan.

if james is more concerned whether he will be regarded as magic or jordan or fixated on matching kobe before he wins a single ring, his head isnt on right in the first place.

07-09-2010, 12:31 AM
i think CA said it first (less than 12 hrs after lebron initially quit on the cavs in game 6 and the writing was on the wall for the whole world to see)-

good call! :drink:

lebron made the right move and the smart decision. im not buying the ego factor, or not enough balls to go around. to me, these 3 are bringing back the essence of what basketball is all about. hooking up with 4 of your buddies, going out to the playground, and straight up ballin. and if 3 of the buddies are the baddest on the block, it makes destroying the opposition even more better. basketball isnt like football, baseball, or hockey, where every player knows or is keeping track of how many individual points are scored during the game. its about getting in that grove and winning.

i also cant wrap my head around the belief that lebron will suddenly be good enough to win 5-6 rings, yet they will be somehow diminished. i guess some people hold it against kobe that he won 3 with shaq, but he doesnt seem too ashamed. magic, doesnt seem to worried about all the points kareem scored. hell even jordan had pippen. while pippen is considered "robin" he still was voted as one of the best 50 players of all time, and damn near went to the finals w/o mike.

im sure d. robinson cherishes the time he spent with duncan, and drexler with olajuwan.

if james is more concerned whether he will be regarded as magic or jordan or fixated on matching kobe before he wins a single ring, his head isnt on right in the first place.

I forgot I said that, go me!!!

tony hipchest
07-09-2010, 12:34 AM
one of my major flaws is the memory of an elephant.

07-09-2010, 12:36 AM
Quick, tell me what was the first response to my post about that?

tony hipchest
07-09-2010, 12:38 AM
something contrary.

07-09-2010, 12:45 AM
I think it was something like no team will ever land all 3.

07-09-2010, 02:19 AM

Screw Cleveland....Say Hey's Catch,The Drive, The Fumble, The Single, The Decision. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Cleveland Sucks.

so who gots dibs on lebrons mom?

bosh or wade?

07-09-2010, 08:55 AM
Can anyone see Shaq going back to the Heat to play center ? If he does , he has to know he will be making the minimum for the year .


07-09-2010, 09:03 AM
While Shaq probably wouldnt' have a problem doing that, I think he'll go somewhere like Dallas (where they play a slower game) to team up with Kidd, Dirk and company. *Yes, I know Dallas just resigned B. Heywood.

07-09-2010, 10:36 AM
Yeah Shaq is too old to play with any pace. Why would the Heat want Shaq?

07-09-2010, 12:21 PM
Yeah Shaq is too old to play with any pace. Why would the Heat want Shaq?

Because he is a big body that Bosh needs down low. The only problem would be Shaq's Ego. While he didn't cause much of a ruckus playing 2nd Fiddle to Lebron...what are the odds of him being OK being 4th or 5th fiddle on the Heat?

07-09-2010, 12:46 PM
Because he is a big body that Bosh needs down low. The only problem would be Shaq's Ego. While he didn't cause much of a ruckus playing 2nd Fiddle to Lebron...what are the odds of him being OK being 4th or 5th fiddle on the Heat?

Shaq is broke down. How many games did he play for the Cavs last season? And the season before that for the Suns? The Cavs were two different teams with Shaq, on with him on the floor and another with him on the pine. I think Shaq is a hindrance to any team especially one with championship aspirations.

07-09-2010, 01:43 PM
Shaq is broke down. How many games did he play for the Cavs last season? And the season before that for the Suns? The Cavs were two different teams with Shaq, on with him on the floor and another with him on the pine. I think Shaq is a hindrance to any team especially one with championship aspirations.

Shaq didn't miss a lot of games for Phoenix due to injury, he was held out of back to back games (I think he played in like 72). He did miss some time last season though. He is old...but I think he's still inspired to top Kobe for rings. I don't know that Riley would be dumb enough to take him.

El-Gonzo Jackson
07-09-2010, 05:23 PM
Shaq is broke down. How many games did he play for the Cavs last season? And the season before that for the Suns? The Cavs were two different teams with Shaq, on with him on the floor and another with him on the pine. I think Shaq is a hindrance to any team especially one with championship aspirations.

Exactly. At this point in his career, he plugs up the lane offensively and no longer moves as well defensively. Still a serviceable player, but I dont think he helped LeQuit as much as he hurt his game.

07-09-2010, 06:27 PM
Exactly. At this point in his career, he plugs up the lane offensively and no longer moves as well defensively. Still a serviceable player, but I dont think he helped LeQuit as much as he hurt his game.

The problem with the Cavs is they forced a lot of action through Shaq to try and make him the #2. There was no offensive creativity most of the time. Shaq needs to be a part of a slow half court offense. The Cavs (without Shaq) had the players to run an uptempo offense...they just didn't.

07-09-2010, 07:26 PM
I wouldn't bring back Shaq if I were the Heat either. That team is more speedy then ever.

07-09-2010, 08:57 PM
Magic GM critical of LeBron's move

Associated Press

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A few welcoming shots at LeBron James is heating up the usually tame Sunshine State rivalry.

Orlando Magic general manager Otis Smith said Friday he was surprised James went to Miami because he thought the two-time MVP was "more of a competitor."

He said the "great ones" do it on their own and "usually stay in one location."

It was rare public criticism from the usually coy Smith and perhaps a move to motivate his Magic. James had announced a day earlier that he was joining Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami to form an All-Star trio.

Asked if James' move to Miami will cause a power shift in the NBA, Smith responded, "Is Kobe retiring?"

"He's proven he can do it on his own," Smith said of Lakers star Kobe Bryant, smiling over the comments. "Oops. My bad."

Smith also said the Magic "still hold the crown" as the best in the Southeast Division, having won three straight titles. He added the Heat will be tough to beat, but are not unguardable.

"Unless they got three balls, you still guard them the same," Smith said. "They'll figure it out I'm sure. Somebody's going to end up with seven shots. Are they going to be OK with that? Somebody's got to be Robin. Are they OK with that? Those are the things they have to work out."

James' decision abruptly ended Orlando's growing rivalry with Cleveland.

The Magic eliminated the Cavaliers two years ago in the Eastern Conference finals, derailing the Kobe-LeBron dream Finals. James didn't shake hands with Orlando players afterward and skipped his postgame news conference.

Orlando and Cleveland had the NBA's best records last season. Cleveland eventually lost in the second round to Boston, which had eliminated the Magic in the conference finals.

Smith thought LeBron would want to win a title in Cleveland by beating stars such as Wade, Bryant and Orlando's Dwight Howard on a team where he was the sole leader.

"I was surprised that he went" to Miami, Smith said. "I thought he was, I guess, more of a competitor."

"The great ones do and usually stay in one location," he added. "This is a new era. It's a little different than my time."

The Magic, who went to the NBA Finals in 2009 and the Eastern Conference finals last season, have reigned supreme in the Sunshine State the past few seasons. The Miami Dream Machine clearly has Orlando's attention now.


07-10-2010, 11:49 AM
Today I heard that Derrick Fisher of the Lakers will be visiting Pat Riley for a possible spot on their team .

07-10-2010, 12:04 PM
I cant believe lebron james is taking so much heat for going to a good team. So he should of signed with a less talented team :huh:? People are mad because if he wins a title it wont be hard enough for him? I dont understand the hatred he is getting.

07-12-2010, 06:05 PM
Uh, Mr. Wilbon, Disney Channel II stopped being about sports and sports news and all about bullshit hype YEARS ago. If you were truly a self-respecting sports journalist you'd put your money where your mouth is and completely disassociate yourself with that joke of a network.

ESPN host criticizes LeBron-a-thon

ESPN’s Thursday-night LeBron-a-thon — aka “The Decision”— scored big ratings and sparked plenty of criticism of the cable network for blurring the line between news and advertising.

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100712/sp_yblog_upshot/espn-host-criticizes-lebron-a-thon

07-12-2010, 06:32 PM

07-12-2010, 06:53 PM
Plus the entire city and the team owner is bad mouthing James after he left. The guy gave it a shot in Cleveland and it didn't work, but nobody in their right mind would turn down this opportunity in Miami. They could be contenders for the next five years if they stay healthy. I can also vouch that living in Miami is way better than anything Cleveland has to offer.

07-12-2010, 06:56 PM
Today I heard that Derrick Fisher of the Lakers will be visiting Pat Riley for a possible spot on their team .

Miami could be a situation where their franchaise will get the best talent available to keep building because it is the most competitive in the sport with this move to get James and solidify the foundation much like the Steelers and Yankees.

silver & black
07-12-2010, 09:04 PM
]Plus the entire city and the team owner is bad mouthing James after he left. [/B]The guy gave it a shot in Cleveland and it didn't work, but nobody in their right mind would turn down this opportunity in Miami. They could be contenders for the next five years if they stay healthy. I can also vouch that living in Miami is way better than anything Cleveland has to offer.

While I don't condone the owner's little diatribe, how can you fault the city full of fans for bad mouthing him? All he had to do was be a man about it; instead, he shit all over the very fans that loved and supported him for 7 years.... leading them on since the season ended. I'm sorry, the fans can say whatever they want, and MeBron can at least take it like a man... if he knows how.

07-12-2010, 10:49 PM
While I don't condone the owner's little diatribe, how can you fault the city full of fans for bad mouthing him? All he had to do was be a man about it; instead, he shit all over the very fans that loved and supported him for 7 years.... leading them on since the season ended. I'm sorry, the fans can say whatever they want, and MeBron can at least take it like a man... if he knows how.

I second that. If LeBron has the right to make his own decisions, then the fans have the right to be critical of them.

07-15-2010, 08:01 AM
Stop bashing Lebron, hes a huge Steeler fan , lol


07-15-2010, 12:38 PM
While I don't condone the owner's little diatribe, how can you fault the city full of fans for bad mouthing him? All he had to do was be a man about it; instead, he shit all over the very fans that loved and supported him for 7 years.... leading them on since the season ended. I'm sorry, the fans can say whatever they want, and MeBron can at least take it like a man... if he knows how.

and the rest of us have a right to laugh our asses off while watching yet another cleveland meltdown ...http://bbs.mediumpimpin.com/images/smilies/lolol.gif

07-15-2010, 12:44 PM
Coping After LeBron: Cleveland Sending Old Jerseys to Miami's Homeless

For the past week, LeBron James jerseys have been the preferred fire wood for people in Cleveland despite no reports of a cold front.

But even a jilted lover apparently has a heart.

Instead of barbecuing James' paraphernalia, Cleveland Cavalier fans are being encouraged to donate their mementos of the former king to the homeless - in Miami.

BreakingupwithLeBron.com is offering fans a chance to be giving with their hatred by collecting all things LBJ and giving them to the less fortunate in his new place of residence. Cavs owner Dan Gilbert might have a semi-truck load headed to the bottom.
We wouldn't call this an olive branch, but it at least benefits a segment of Miami.

Hundreds of homeless people congregate around the AmericaAirlines Arena on game days, and if they are wearing the No. 23 jersey, it might encourage the King's new followers to give a little more.

"It's time to get over this. Let’s stand proud and give back," the website reads.

For Cleveland fans, it gives them a chance to get rid of that T-shirt, hat, headband or jersey that has been the source of tears without creating a fire hazard.

In return, Cleveland fans also get a new T-shirt with the classic break-up slogan, "It's not me, it's you," printed on the front.

Ah, hatred and jealousy, the gifts that keep on giving.

07-27-2010, 12:14 AM
Really, he's an ass for doing this. To go on national television to pretty much all but embarrass the city and hometown area that catered to his every whim and need, is just flat out disgraceful.

I'm a Cavs fan first, always have been, always will be, just really disapointed he did this to go down to Miami where the fan base is not nearly as good as ours or say a city like Pittsburgh, or hell, even NYC.

07-27-2010, 02:06 AM
Really, he's an ass for doing this. To go on national television to pretty much all but embarrass the city and hometown area that catered to his every whim and need, is just flat out disgraceful.

I'm a Cavs fan first, always have been, always will be, just really disapointed he did this to go down to Miami where the fan base is not nearly as good as ours or say a city like Pittsburgh, or hell, even NYC.
are you going to donate your jersey to a miami bum ?

07-27-2010, 02:22 PM
Living in NYC I would have loved for him to come here , but he didnt . Im not upset , its all good . Maybe people didn't like the way he did it but he had every right to go to Miami after 7 years in Cleveland.

07-28-2010, 03:15 AM
Living in NYC I would have loved for him to come here , but he didnt . Im not upset , its all good . Maybe people didn't like the way he did it but he had every right to go to Miami after 7 years in Cleveland.

It's different for you, I mean, he didn't grow up in your neck of the woods, and appear to be the guy who was going to lead your town back to championship glory.

Would I have been upset, had he left to go to say the nets and not had a television special to embarrass the whole area? Hell yes, but I don't believe that me or a good portion of cleveland fans would have acted the way they did.

Laughing at gilbert for what he did was a bit of a rolleyes sort of deal, fact is, your teams fans just got suckerpunched on national television, and the way he acted via the letter really made helped make a lot of fans feel better. I'm very glad Gilbert truly cares about this city, and hope he is good on this word to make the Cavs into a winner.

Really, we got a black eye, but we got up and dusted ourselves off again, we may hold grudges, but it's how things have always been here. That's just how it is as a Cleveland fan, You gotta be tough.

09-18-2010, 03:43 PM