View Full Version : ESPN Reporting that Bosh and Wade will be in Miami

07-07-2010, 08:04 AM
Wednesday morning , ESPN reported that Bosh will go to Miami and Wade will stay in Miami . Now its James turn on Thursday night on ESPN to announce where he wants to go .

07-07-2010, 09:32 AM
James is going to miami too, Mark it down!!!!

07-07-2010, 09:38 AM
It would be nice if he came here to the Knicks , but I can't see James having an 1 hour primetime special on ESPN Thursday night to announce that hes staying with Cleveland .

07-07-2010, 09:50 AM
Chris Broussard did a twitter like this last night that he quickly rescinded. Makes me question the "source" on this one. He had a "source" with his first tweet as well. Then apologized. I think that ESPN is just trying to make it's own stories. I'll believe this when I see it. Toronto doesn't what Miami has to offer for Bosh...and while Bosh might not be thrilled about playing in Cleveland...that's 30M he's leaving on the table.

07-07-2010, 09:54 AM
If Lebron stays in cleveland hes an idiot. Miami is the place to be for him, no state taxes, south beach, chris bosch, D-wade, and championships. He knows the only wat hes going to be a global icon is to win championships and Miami gives him the best chance to do that. If he goes anywhere except Miami I will be shocked.

07-07-2010, 09:57 AM
Chris Broussard did a twitter like this last night that he quickly rescinded. Makes me question the "source" on this one. He had a "source" with his first tweet as well. Then apologized. I think that ESPN is just trying to make it's own stories. I'll believe this when I see it. Toronto doesn't what Miami has to offer for Bosh...and while Bosh might not be thrilled about playing in Cleveland...that's 30M he's leaving on the table.

They are reporting it on espn bosch and wade to miami done deal.

07-07-2010, 10:01 AM
They are reporting it on espn bosch and wade to miami done deal.

It's also an article written by Broussard.

07-07-2010, 10:03 AM
Are you trying to tell me that this doesnt look right ? lol


07-07-2010, 10:08 AM
I cant see Lebron going anywhere else besides Miami. What could cleveland possibly sell him on now. Knicks? NO, Nets? NO, Chicago? Lookin shaky.

07-07-2010, 10:16 AM
The problem with Miami is that Wade and Lebron are at their absolute best with the ball in their hands...and while Wade is a better shooter than Lebron, he's not a great shooter. Lebron (and Wade) would benefit from a guy like Miller/Allen + Bosh more so than Bosh + Wade/Lebron. It's a stylistic issue. Then theres this...who will play in Miami for minimum wage? Some aging vets (like Shaq) trying to earn a ring. Some scrubs from the D-League. It still won't be a complete team.

I can see Cleveland doing a S&T with another team to bring in a good vet (like Utah w/ Boozer) to play alongside Lebron.

Instead, Cleveland (with Lebron) will use it's MLE to bring in a guy like Allen or Mike Miller, run a faster offense (which would benefit them greatly) and (at the trade deadline) work another deal with another team trying to get under the cap.

07-07-2010, 10:29 AM
Bosch said he wanted to play with Lebron he will be leaving 30 million dollars on the table to go to miami and i doubt that was just to play with wade. Lebron wont pass on that oppurtunity to play with boozer or an aging vet. Is it a coincidence that Lebron's camp in cleveland ends today and his decision will be announced tomorrow? They are also now reporting that Miami is the front runner to get lebron now . Steven A smith reported on his radio show a few weeks ago that he had very reliable inside source that the big three would all end up in Miami.

07-07-2010, 11:21 AM
Bosch said he wanted to play with Lebron he will be leaving 30 million dollars on the table to go to miami and i doubt that was just to play with wade. Lebron wont pass on that oppurtunity to play with boozer or an aging vet. Is it a coincidence that Lebron's camp in cleveland ends today and his decision will be announced tomorrow? They are also now reporting that Miami is the front runner to get lebron now . Steven A smith reported on his radio show a few weeks ago that he had very reliable inside source that the big three would all end up in Miami.

How many times has this changed over the last week. Everyone has a "very reliable inside source"...it's too bad all these sources can't agree.

I'll believe Lebron, Bosh and Wade end up in Miame/Toronto/Cleveland/Los Angeles/New Jersey when they've actually signed the paperwork. The rumor mill has been spinning opposing stories faster than a hummingbirds wings flap.

07-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Im hearing through my gremlins that LeBron James will announce his retirement tomorrow night on ESPN , lol.


07-07-2010, 12:54 PM
Well, wouldn't that just be something. The whole NBA would fall apart without his presence ya'know? :P

07-07-2010, 01:09 PM
This is where we'll find out if LBJ is true to his word. He says it's only about winning titles. If that's the case, he has a no brainer decision to sign with the Heat and maybe take less than maximum. If he gives up a little cheese so they can add some depth to that trio then he is true to his word. If he stays in Cleveland, he's a liar. There is only one right decision for LBJ, the Heat.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 01:18 PM
I gotta agree with you GitNoLuv. I dont think Wade AND LBJ on the same team is going to work out that great because of their style of play. Each of those players are suppose to be the best player on their team. With them both there how will Wade respond to being option 2 or maybe even 3? I'm not saying its impossible and could never work out. It can. But there is just something about it that would worry me some.

07-07-2010, 01:23 PM
This is where we'll find out if LBJ is true to his word. He says it's only about winning titles. If that's the case, he has a no brainer decision to sign with the Heat and maybe take less than maximum. If he gives up a little cheese so they can add some depth to that trio then he is true to his word. If he stays in Cleveland, he's a liar. There is only one right decision for LBJ, the Heat.

I disagree. If LeBron wants to win titles, the best fit would be Chicago. I think that LeBron and Wade on the same team is not a good idea. Both players want the ball in their hands and want the ball in big situations. The bulls have young talent, but there is no doubt that LeBron would be the guy. It would be a young and talented team.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 01:25 PM
I disagree. If LeBron wants to win titles, the best fit would be Chicago. I think that LeBron and Wade on the same team is not a good idea. Both players want the ball in their hands and want the ball in big situations. The bulls have young talent, but there is no doubt that LeBron would be the guy. It would be a young and talented team.

This.....i think its the best fit as well. Even though i still dont like the idea of "chicago" because of the jordan thing. But for LBJ's sake, as of right now..the fit is good.

07-07-2010, 01:40 PM
I disagree. If LeBron wants to win titles, the best fit would be Chicago. I think that LeBron and Wade on the same team is not a good idea. Both players want the ball in their hands and want the ball in big situations. The bulls have young talent, but there is no doubt that LeBron would be the guy. It would be a young and talented team.

Sorry, have to disagree. Chicago isn't a great fit for him because of the lack of shooters there. Rose and Lebron play a very similar game (slash). They need complimentary shooters around them...and Chicago just doesn't have that right now. Neither Rose nor Lebron are good enough jump shooters to warrant extra attention outside...meaning every defender will cheat some towards the middle to make driving it difficult.

Chicago needs a PF who can space the floor (ideally with at least 15' range) and a SG who can knock down the three's with regularity. Unless they can land both, Lebron+Rose = butting heads. They both need the ball in their hands to be effective. They both can't have the ball. They both drive and dish or drive and score. They both have shaky jumpers.

It takes an entire team built correctly to win...and Chicago doesn't have the right pieces to make that work.

07-07-2010, 01:46 PM
I disagree. If LeBron wants to win titles, the best fit would be Chicago. I think that LeBron and Wade on the same team is not a good idea. Both players want the ball in their hands and want the ball in big situations. The bulls have young talent, but there is no doubt that LeBron would be the guy. It would be a young and talented team.

It's not an option at this point, it's stay in Cleveland or go to Miami.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 01:50 PM
It's not an option at this point, it's stay in Cleveland or go to Miami.

Oh yea and whys that?

07-07-2010, 01:57 PM
It's not an option at this point, it's stay in Cleveland or go to Miami.

You got some inside info or something?

07-07-2010, 02:04 PM
Sorry, have to disagree. Chicago isn't a great fit for him because of the lack of shooters there. Rose and Lebron play a very similar game (slash). They need complimentary shooters around them...and Chicago just doesn't have that right now. Neither Rose nor Lebron are good enough jump shooters to warrant extra attention outside...meaning every defender will cheat some towards the middle to make driving it difficult.

Chicago needs a PF who can space the floor (ideally with at least 15' range) and a SG who can knock down the three's with regularity. Unless they can land both, Lebron+Rose = butting heads. They both need the ball in their hands to be effective. They both can't have the ball. They both drive and dish or drive and score. They both have shaky jumpers.

It takes an entire team built correctly to win...and Chicago doesn't have the right pieces to make that work.

The reason none of the teams in the LeBron sweepstakes dont have teams built yet is because they dont know if they will get LeBron. If they get LeBron, a certain style of play will be needed and certain players will be needed. If they dont get LeBron, then a different style of play is needed and other players will be needed. The teams dont want to commit to role players before they know if they will get LeBron. Thats why some teams barely have any players right now.

In my opinion it is either Cleveland or Chicago.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 02:14 PM
Sorry, have to disagree. Chicago isn't a great fit for him because of the lack of shooters there. Rose and Lebron play a very similar game (slash). They need complimentary shooters around them...and Chicago just doesn't have that right now. Neither Rose nor Lebron are good enough jump shooters to warrant extra attention outside...meaning every defender will cheat some towards the middle to make driving it difficult.

Chicago needs a PF who can space the floor (ideally with at least 15' range) and a SG who can knock down the three's with regularity. Unless they can land both, Lebron+Rose = butting heads. They both need the ball in their hands to be effective. They both can't have the ball. They both drive and dish or drive and score. They both have shaky jumpers.

It takes an entire team built correctly to win...and Chicago doesn't have the right pieces to make that work.

If they can sign LBJ im sure they will go get a shooter....plus Hinrich is already a good shooter...41 % career fg and a career 37 % from 3. Thats good shooting and it would only get BETTER with LBJ AND rose.

Chicago is a good fit.

07-07-2010, 02:22 PM
If they can sign LBJ im sure they will go get a shooter....plus Hinrich is already a good shooter...41 % career fg and a career 37 % from 3. Thats good shooting and it would only get BETTER with LBJ AND rose.

Chicago is a good fit.

Hinrich is with the Wizards now. They basically unloaded him for cap room....

El-Gonzo Jackson
07-07-2010, 02:22 PM
Big signings for the Heat when confirmed. LBJ will stay in Cleveland and the Cavs arent likely to go after Boozer given his history with the franchise, so really it leaves the Cavs with the similar team as last season, with a new coach. Now, they can go after a big man like Haywood, or a PG like Felton or Ridnauer, but IDK who their #2 scoring option is gonna be.

James will stay in Cleveland and its up to the GM to get him some help or he is gonna be the best player ever, to not get a ring.

07-07-2010, 02:23 PM
Chicago needs better shooters just to make Rose more effective. Throwin in Lebron actually complicates the issue more.

Lebron in Miami complicates things because all of the money would be tied up in three players (Bosh/Wade/LBJ) and there would be no center or pg (though with Lebron, you don't really need a good one of those). Bosh NEEDS a strong defensive minded center to be at his best. Lebron goes there, then Miami has almost no chance at getting one.

I think that Cleveland is almost a lock to land him.

07-07-2010, 02:26 PM
Big signings for the Heat when confirmed. LBJ will stay in Cleveland and the Cavs arent likely to go after Boozer given his history with the franchise, so really it leaves the Cavs with the similar team as last season, with a new coach. Now, they can go after a big man like Haywood, or a PG like Felton or Ridnauer, but IDK who their #2 scoring option is gonna be.

James will stay in Cleveland and its up to the GM to get him some help or he is gonna be the best player ever, to not get a ring.

I think that Cleveland starts making pushes to trade for guys like Al Jefferson (of Minnesota) or Lamarcus Aldridge (of Portland) to get a secondary scorer that Lebron needs.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 02:27 PM
Hinrich is with the Wizards now. They basically unloaded him for cap room....

You know what I thought he got traded and couldnt remember...then i went to ESPN and check the bulls roster http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/teams/roster?team=chi and hes on it lol so thats what i went with

but thanks for confirming that for me :thumbsup:

Disregard my comments GetNoLuv lol, but i still think they will find a shooter and be a very good team with LeBron.

07-07-2010, 02:28 PM
I have a feeling that his pick will be leaked out before the 9:00pm ESPN show tomorrow night . Just a feeling .

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 02:32 PM
Actually steeldevil anywhere i look still has Kirk with the Bulls?

http://www.nba.com/wizards/roster/ not on roster

http://www.nba.com/bulls/roster/ on roster

07-07-2010, 02:32 PM
I have a feeling that his pick will be leaked out before the 9:00pm ESPN show tomorrow night . Just a feeling .

Lord I hope not.... Talk about anticlimatic... That would be awful.

07-07-2010, 02:34 PM
You know what I thought he got traded and couldnt remember...then i went to ESPN and check the bulls roster http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/teams/roster?team=chi and hes on it lol so thats what i went with

but thanks for confirming that for me :thumbsup:

Disregard my comments GetNoLuv lol, but i still think they will find a shooter and be a very good team with LeBron.

No worries. I think that Chicago's best bet is to make a push for Mike Miller or Ray Allen and see if they can also land a David Lee in the process. This gives them a lineup of

Noah - Lee - Deng - Miller/Allen - Rose

The players all complement each other and the Bulls save on a lot of money (something they aren't known for spending a lot of.)

With Lebron in the mix, what happens with Deng (his contract is ugly making it tough to trade) and who becomes the SG/PF? The Bulls aren't likely to pay for both Lee and Lebron...and if they do, getting a good shooter will be very tough in that scenario.

07-07-2010, 02:37 PM
Actually steeldevil anywhere i look still has Kirk with the Bulls?

http://www.nba.com/wizards/roster/ not on roster

http://www.nba.com/bulls/roster/ on roster

Probably has something to do with the NBA having to confirm all trades. Or maybe (not sure on this) do trades not become official until July 8?

07-07-2010, 02:38 PM
Actually steeldevil anywhere i look still has Kirk with the Bulls?

http://www.nba.com/wizards/roster/ not on roster

http://www.nba.com/bulls/roster/ on roster

Maybe that trade didnt go through. I remember them showing it on draftnight and saying that it was to make cap room for chicago. Idk I dont really follow the economic side of sports that much. Until this summer for NBA free agancy of course.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 02:39 PM
Probably has something to do with the NBA having to confirm all trades. Or maybe (not sure on this) do trades not become official until July 8?

I honestly do not know, oh well...like i said i thought he was traded anyway I think i remember hearing something about it. You could be correct.

Nadroj 20
07-07-2010, 02:40 PM
Maybe that trade didnt go through. I remember them showing it on draftnight and saying that it was to make cap room for chicago. Idk I dont really follow the economic side of sports that much. Until this summer for NBA free agancy of course.

I know its complicated as hell so i dont know much about it either. Im not saying you are wrong because I do remember now hearing something about it...as another person in the thread said it just might not be official yet.

07-07-2010, 02:46 PM
yea thats prob what it is.
No matter who LeBron chooses, there are still lots of good pieces out there for teams to pick up.

07-07-2010, 03:03 PM
I know its complicated as hell so i dont know much about it either. Im not saying you are wrong because I do remember now hearing something about it...as another person in the thread said it just might not be official yet.

Even if the trade was official now, most of those teams pages won't be updated (barring a big name being traded) until closer to the end of July.

07-08-2010, 02:57 AM
And LBJ will be joining them....


07-08-2010, 06:36 AM
Espn reported this morning ( if it means anything ) that James had dinner last night with Amar'e Stoudemire and Allan Houston at a NYC restaurant .

The Duke
07-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Espn reported this morning ( if it means anything ) that James had dinner last night with Amar'e Stoudemire and Allan Houston at a NYC restaurant .

http://serve.mysmiley.net/happy/happy0024.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-laughing-smileys.php)

my money's still on the Heat . Wouldn't mind if he chose the knicks at all though....

07-08-2010, 05:01 PM
It's where I would go if i were him. Riley coaching, two of the 5 best players in the league, warm winters, low taxes...he'll win multiple titles, maybe be part of a true dynasty like we haven't seen in the NBA in awhile.

He'll diminish himself and the titles because it will be too easy, but maybe he's bought into the junk thought that he somehow choked, or that he's less of a player without a championship? Who knows?

Regardless, I'll understand if he leaves, but most people around here won't.

07-08-2010, 05:05 PM
If I were him I would go to Chicago. He would be the #1 guy undisputed on a great team with young players that could compete for titles for years to come. He would also be in the 3rd biggest market in the country. I think there is little to no chance he stays in Cleveland, which sucks because a lot of people are going to get their hearts ripped out on natioanl television...

07-08-2010, 05:25 PM
Espn reported this morning ( if it means anything ) that James had dinner last night with Amar'e Stoudemire and Allan Houston at a NYC restaurant .

He won't be winning the title anytime soon if he goes to the Knicks. Other then Amare, what else do they really have?

07-08-2010, 05:38 PM
LeBron James has rented six cabanas at the W Hotel South Beach this weekend to celebrate his team decision, two sources confirm to UsMagazine.com.

That adds more fuel to the fire that James, 25, will announce he's joining the Miami Heat Thursday night, as several insiders told ESPN this morning.

07-08-2010, 05:43 PM
LeBron James has rented six cabanas at the W Hotel South Beach this weekend to celebrate his team decision, two sources confirm to UsMagazine.com.

That adds more fuel to the fire that James, 25, will announce he's joining the Miami Heat Thursday night, as several insiders told ESPN this morning.

I don't buy this. Do you really think LBJ calls up a hotel and says I'd like to rent some cabanas? Come on guys. He has someone rent them for him, that's why this guy has PR people, managers and an agent.

07-08-2010, 05:56 PM
Im just posting what the article said

07-08-2010, 05:56 PM
I personally will not buy it until I hear it directly from him. If I were him, I'd stay in Cleveland and try to help build a championship team there(Especially when they NEVER have won one). That would be something that a guy like him should love to have.

07-08-2010, 06:08 PM
the problem is hes been in cleveland for 7 yrs and only one nba finals appearance. And with bosch and wade signing with miami, who could cleveland possibly bring in to show lebron they have a shot at a title. Lebron wants rings so he can be a global icon and miami gives hi the best chance to do that. Cleveland had thier shot a 7 yr window to put a championship team together and didnt do it. I think if he stays in cleveland hes a fool.

07-08-2010, 06:44 PM
I'll re-post this here, seeing as how simple people simply can't help but keep posting garbage behind solid opinion:

Well, where there's smoke...

There is also a rumor that Paul left Octagon and signed on with James' agency, which would also an interesting corollary to all this. And there is no doubt that Paul/James >>> Wade/Bosh.

The fact is, LBJ will need help to win his title. I still like Jamison as a Cav, and Shaq was open to staying (for less money). If James stays, I'd like to see Hickson on board as well. Anthony Parker and Andy are hustlers, and I'd like to see what Telfair can bring to the table when healthy. Other that that, I'm not attached to any particular players currently on the roster. If James stays it will be interesting to see what moves they make this year to solidify the team. If he leaves, it pretty much leaves all 3 major sports teams in Cleveland looking forward to (in the Browns and Indians cases, at best) .500 seasons next year.

It seems there is confirmation that he's rented a bunch of Cabana's in Miami for a big blowout this weekend on South Beach, so maybe he is headed to Miami.

Honestly, I would. The taxes in Ohio are too high, and the weather sucks 4-5 months out of the year.

As far as the Heat as a good fit, well, Jesus, it's a no-brainer. Wade and Bosh alone make the Heat instant contenders, and the X-factor of having the leagues best player along for the ride seals the deal. Wade can pretty much do it all, including dish the ball, and Bosh is a scoring and rebounding machine. I don't buy the argument that there are too many egos, as these guys are friends and this was a plan they had in mind all along. Also, the whole "There's only on ball" thing is off as well. The 3 guys are different enough that there's a roll for all 3. They could literally create a dynasty for the next 6-7 years. Toss in the Riley factor, and I ask, who will beat them? And how?

07-08-2010, 08:03 PM

10. Let's say LeBron signs with Miami. Can you even make the Finals with LeBron, Bosh, Wade and nine minimum-salary guys? Because that might be next year's team … and if that's what happens, the answer is "no effing way." You don't win titles just because of your top three. That belittles the meaning of guys like Derek Fisher, Robert Horry, Steve Kerr, John Paxson, Brian Shaw … you could go on for hours naming role players who swung a title. The 2008 Celts lucked out by getting James Posey, Eddie House and P.J. Brown for practically nothing; Miami wouldn't have that luxury this summer, not with so many role players jockeying for contracts one year before the possible lockout. Nobody is taking less money to showcase themselves for a summer that might not happen. Even if Miami could spin Michael Beasley for a fourth guy (say, Trevor Ariza), that's still not enough. They'd need one more rebounder, point guard, a 3-point shooter and a center. Good luck.

11. Another problem: You realize how many minutes these guys would log on a three-man team? About 42-44 minutes for 100 games … and if anyone missed an extended stretch of games, then that would put even more pressure on the other two. Crazy. No way they win more than 50, especially with teams gunning for them every night. We've also never seen two perimeter superstar alpha dogs coexist for an NBA title -- not even when Jerry West and Elgin Baylor teamed up with Wilt Chamberlain against the aging Celtics in 1969. LeBron would have to accept becoming Mega-Pippen to Wade's Jordan. (Yeah, right.) Even during the final quarter of the 2008 gold-medal game, when everyone on the American team was staring at each other wondering who was going to step up against a red-hot Spain team, there were a few minutes of tentative, "I don't want to step on anyone's toes here" basketball before Kobe said, "Screw it, get out of my way" and took over the key portion of the game.

Well, at some point, Wade and LeBron will have one of those 2008 Spain moments … but what happens if both guys say, "Screw it, get out of my way"? You need to have a special type of mentality to want that moment; that's why Scottie Pippen melted down in that 1994 Bulls-Knicks playoff game, because Phil Jackson had spent that entire year building him up and making him think, "We can win without Jordan, you're just as good, we can DO THIS," then designed the biggest play of the season for someone else. It was a slap in the face. Pippen reacted terribly, but still, don't you want him to be pissed there? Isn't that what being an alpha dog is all about? Don't you need a special level of swagger and confidence to carry that load every night? And once you reach that level, doesn't it become impossible to share the spotlight with someone else? Of course …

13. I think it's a cop-out. Any super-competitive person would rather beat Dwyane Wade than play with him. Don't you want to find the Ali to your Frazier and have that rival pull the greatness out of you? That's why I'm holding out hope that LeBron signs with New York or Chicago (or stays in Cleveland), because he'd be saying, "Fine. Kobe, Dwight and Melo all have their teams. Wade and Bosh have their team. The Celtics are still there. Durant's team is coming. I'm gonna go out and build MY team, and I'm kicking all their asses." That's what Jordan would have done. Hell, that's what Kobe would have done.

In May, after the Cavs were ousted in the conference semifinals, I wrote that LeBron was facing one of the greatest sports decisions ever: "winning (Chicago), loyalty (Cleveland) or a chance at immortality (New York)."

I never thought he would pick "HELP!"

15. What should LeBron do? Pick Chicago. That's where the rings are. The fact that he didn't say to Bosh, "Come to Chicago with me, we'll play with Rose and Noah and win six titles together" was the single most disappointing outcome of the summer. That team would have been a true juggernaut with pieces that actually complemented each other, unlike this pickup-basketball situation that's brewing in Miami. Even with Boozer there in Bosh's place -- and I think he's a great fit for them, with or without LeBron -- it could still translate to multiple titles, because Rose could have been the best second banana since Kobe in 2001.

Just know that Kobe would have caught a whiff of those rings and gone to Chicago. Same with Jordan. Same with Magic and Bird. Chicago had the biggest competitive advantage of anyone: room for two max guys along with an under-23 franchise point guard and one of the only elite defending/rebounding big men in basketball. How can you care about winning and NOT go to Chicago?

07-08-2010, 08:55 PM
He should go to Chicago, but he prob wont.

07-08-2010, 09:01 PM
Lebron to miami = championship

07-08-2010, 09:12 PM
Lebron to miami = championship

Not as long as Phil Jackson holds title of Lakers Head coach.

07-08-2010, 09:15 PM
Not as long as Phil Jackson holds title of Lakers Head coach.

Im calling a championship if he goes to Miami , mark it down, take a picture.

07-08-2010, 09:27 PM
3-5 in the next 5-6 years at Miami.

Maybe 3 in the next 7 if he stays in Cleveland. But I think he's going to Miami.

07-08-2010, 09:29 PM
LeBron is now officially a member of the Heat

07-08-2010, 09:34 PM
LeBron is now officially a member of the Heat

Not officially. Still has to sign.

07-08-2010, 09:35 PM
Not officially. Still has to sign.

Oh come on